What are your kids' hobbies?

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Lithuania: (Toris)

Edwardson- Reading
Felix- Gardening
Ravenna- Cooking

Estonia: (Eduard)

Toria- Blogging/Vlogging (Got if from the father :) )
Raina- Cosplay
Tina- Acting
Alfredo- Swimming

Latvia: (Raivis)

Torren- Writing/Reciting Poems n' Reading
Allan- Baking, Sketching n' playing the violin

Hi guys! So I have a question. Should I draw the kids?
You guys can request some features for them if you like.
Feel free to request, more chapters to await for!

(Sorry for not updating so long -_-')

Hetalia! Baltic boyfriend scenarios!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें