First Kiss

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Sorry for late update.
I still have school. Yes. I still do.
But that doesn't mean summer class or anything.

Our break only consists of one month which is June.

Our school starts on July and ends on May.
Yes. I know it may seem harsh but at least I got more time to spend with my classmates.

Oh yeah, this will be their and your first kiss. Your welcome.


You and Toris were at home, you two decided to stay home for your date. You guys were watching a movie called 'Narnia: Prince Caspian".
You were imagining that you were Susan and Toris was Caspian. There comes the time when Susan and the others had to go back.

Toris noticed the dreamy look on your  face as you watched Susan and Caspian kiss. He chuckled silently at this, low enough for you not to hear it.

"Hey Y/n?" Toris called, you hummed in response and turned you head to him.

As you do so, you were met by the warm lips of your lover.
You were surprised but you kissed back. You guys broke apart having light blush on your faces, Toris chuckled and pecked your forehead.

And you guys continued to have your movie night.


You were busy finishing some touches for your project in school. Eduard was bored and wanted your attention.
You kept on ignoring him every time he called you.

Eduard suddenly had an idea. You looked stressed and he decided to do something very sweet.

You felt hands massaging your shoulders, and you relaxed a tiny bit.
Eduard wrapped his arms around your shoulders and Nuzzled his face on your neck. You giggled and leaned to his touch. He suddenly did something unexpected, he kissed you on the lips lovingly and you kissed back in the same way.


Raivis was helping you baking for the cafe.

He was mixing the frosting ingredients and he took a spoon to try if it has the right taste.
As soon as he had done it, you noticed there was frosting left on the right side of his lips.

"Love?" You called to him, and he looked at you and set the bowl of frosting down.

"What is it?" He asked. Without warning, you gently pushed your lips to his, tasting the frosting on his lips.
It was short and sweet, as you pulled away, you giggled at a stammering red Raivis.

Hetalia! Baltic boyfriend scenarios!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora