What the kids call the other Baltics and the SU

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Estonia (Eduard)- Uncle Esty
Latvia (Raivis)- Uncle Latvy
Russia (Ivan)- Mr. MEANIE (Your kids have no SHAME)
Ukraine (Katyusha)- Ms. Flowey
Belarus (Natalya)- Creep


Lithuania (Toris)- Uncle Lithua
Latvia (Raivis)- Uncle Atvia
Russia (Ivan)- Mr. Pipe man
Ukraine (Katyusha)- Missy Bob (It's becuz of her short hair)
Belarus (Natalya)- Ms. KNIFE (Bcuz she always seems A KNIFE)


Lithuania (Toris)- Uncle Tory
Estonia (Eduard)- Uncle Eddy
Russia (Ivan)- Mr.Sunflower
Ukraine (Katyusha)- Lady Lily
Belarus (Natalya)- Lady Cornflower

(I am impressed with Y/n and Latvia's kids. They are respectful)

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