Meeting The Soviets or Just Russia

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You were preparing many food and drinks for lunch because Alaska
(me! :3) and her cousins were going to visit you and your boyfriend.

Just in time, we arrived at the house after you guys were done setting up the table. You guys were eating and chattering when you heard the door open.

"Oh Toris~" a voice called in a sing song tone.

As the door broke down, I squealed with North (Yes. That's my 2nd cousin's name.) hugging me in a protective manner.
As soon steps were heard and in came Ivan and his sisters.

"Kolkolkolkol.." Ivan (Russia) laughed darkly as he had a metal pipe on his hand with Natalya (Belarus) holding knives and Katyusha (Ukraine) just psychotically smiling in a sweet face.
You knew it was your turn to protect your boyfriend and you saw Alaska's left eye twitching in irritation.

"Toris~ So this where you've been~" Ivan said in dark sing song matter. Natalya threw a knife making it look like an accident towards Toris, but Alaska caught it between her middle finger and pointer finger.

Then the three Soviets noticed Alaska.
They grew a bit weary as a very dark aura, darker than Ivan's grew on Alaska. You hugged Toris with Varla and North smirking. Ivan looked at the once calm and collected nekko.

"Podsolnukh... I did not know you are here da?" Ivan said, a few sweats coming out. Toris was amazed at how your friend was able to scare his boss.
Belarus in first time trembled a bit.

"Ivan~ mind telling me why you're here~?" Alaska asked at the aura grew darker.

"Malen' kka sestra.. We did not know you knew Toris... Da?" Katyusha said a bit worried at the dark aura that formed around the once cute nekko, trying to change the subject.
Suddenly Alaska was back to her cheerful self but has a sweet more psycho smile on her face.

"Hurt Toris and any of the Baltics, you won't have any vodka for a year, do we got that Ivan?"

"Da!" Ivan said as he and his sisters left. Varla and North were laughing their lungs out.

"Whooo! Nice one!" North said as Alaska sighed and plopped down the chair. You were confused, but Toris had a grateful look.

"I never knew you can scare him like that Ms. Alaska.." Toris said making you go into shock more as your boyfriend knew your best friend.

"Takes practice.. I guess.. Oh and Y/n, if your wondering.. I'm Ivan's girlfriend." She said coolly as she took a sip of her coke, leaving you more shocked than ever.


Eduard was panicking because there was a dancing chibi of his boss on his blog. You sigh and said that you can fix it but Eduard wasn't listening, he was still panicking. You rolled your eyes as a loud cheery american came in, offering to help your boyfriend  but after a few minutes he started talking to A BIRD. 

'You got to be kidding me'  you thought as Eduard decided to confront his boss about this. A few hours later, as you walk down the street you saw your boyfriend running away from a smiling Russia who was holding his 'magic metal pipe of pain' as your boyfriend's boss called it. 

You sigh as you growled at the russian man who was confused by your actions. "Stay away from my love...", you growled as you dragged your boyfriend leaving a stunned Russia.


You and one of your friends at the bakery, Hester was cracking up jokes as you saw 6 people come inside the bakery, you recognized your boyfriend and his friends. You tried not to wave because you noticed that the three other people with them was their boss. 

Your boyfriend and his friends were trembling, you sighed mentally. You knew Raivis was the youngest country among his friends. A woman who looked like 20s with her short blonde hair and big breasts (Ukraine) as you noticed came up to you as you saw your boyfriend dropping sweats as he noticed one of his bosses (aka Belarus) shooting a glare at you. 

"Hello! Can I have borodinsky bread please?", the woman smiled sweetly and you in returned smile back for your boyfriend's sake. You nod and call for Hester to pack the still warm bread. Hester shot a worried look at Raivis and to the tall russian man who just patted his head.

She handed the packed bread to you and smiled a reassuring smile to her. You handed it to the ukrainian lady and asked her if she would like to buy anything else. She nodded and asked for latte and cappuccino coffee for take out. You nodded and went to work with the coffee as another of the workers Dan handled the other customers  orders.

Then you heard Russia whisper to your boyfriend:

"Your girlfriend is kind and polite da? You can keep her" Making you less tense than before. 

Mallen' kka sestra - little sister (Ukraine)

Borodinsky - Is a dark brown sourdough rye bed of Russian origin, traditionally sweetened with molasses and flavored with coriander and caraway seeds

Hetalia! Baltic boyfriend scenarios!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang