Pop off sis?

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Dino's pov

  "Let's go!" I yell as I jumped out the still moving car, Haechan was driving. "Wait till I stop the car!" Haechan yells as he goes off to find a parking spot.

  I ran off through the door of the school straight into the back of the auditorium where the dressing rooms are, Haechan right behind me.

  "Ok I have T-minus 16 minutes, can I get a caprison, a orange that I'm totally gonna eat like an apple, maybe some MJ to get me hyped, and some DAMN THICK SOCKS!" I yell bursting through the door as I immediately start going through the costume rack.

"What?" I ask as they all started at me in pure shock, Jun actually dropped everything he was holding, I just shoot them a smirk and enter the bathroom to get change.

  When I get back I walk over to The8's vanity and start digging around through his makeup bag, "Hmm, did you change your foundation color, I swear you where near my shade color last time?" I sigh as I dig through Hoshi's bag.

  "Haechan, eyeliner please." I say as Haechan hands me his own tube of eyeliner. "Thank you so much, fore everything, plz go find a seat and enjoy the show." I smile gratefully to him.

  Haechan smiled back at me. "Goodluck Dino." He waved at me and whished everyone goodluck before leaving to find a seat.

"I hope you added my solo back in?" I ask no one in particular, as I finish getting ready.

  "Uhh I'll go tell Jhope and the judges." Jeno says dashing out of the room.

"WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?!" Hoshi cried out, I just shrugged as I started putting back the makeup I used.

"Just dancing around. But of course I wouldn't miss competition day." I smile at the 3.

"Dino- I just want to say I'm so so so sorry for what I said back at the house, I wasn't thinking strai-" Jun starts but I cut him off.

  "You know Jun, throughout my years being a damn orphan kids who could never stay close enough with one family, cuz they all sucked. I learnt one thing." I start.

"You forget it enough to get over it, but remember enough so it doesn't happen again." I smile at them.

"But come on boys! It's show time!" I smile as I skip out of the room, filled with passion!

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