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Dino's pov

  Thankfully whoever used this practice room, had left water bottles and some granola bars, how long have they been here? I wouldn't know.

  I think it was Saturday night. Ok it's definitely Saturday night. I just didn't know the exact time since I had dropped my phone back at the house. And even if I did have it, it probably would have died sometime this morning.

  I had been practicing my dance for the upcoming show over and over again to the point I got sick of it.

  "Now I wish I had some Michael Jackson to play. Beat it would totally come in handy." I say to myself as I lay on the floor.

  I slept in till mid afternoon I think. Crying yourself to sleep makes you exhausted.

The next morning   My brain then switched to the Choi's. What where they doing, did Jun tell Jeonghan and Seungcheol what he said or did he lie about it. Are they looking for me?

  "Probably not, I know most of them saw me run out. But they hardly know me, let alone where I would have gone." I sigh.
  Most likely they called cops, and filled a missing child report. "I'll be dead before they find me." I groaned. I stares at the locked window.

'Break it.'

That's what my mind was screaming. To get out and do what I always do best. Run away. But something different was happening, my mind was telling me to run to a place. A specific place.

  I take a deep breath and count to 3. I then use all my force and kick the window. I kicked it enough times to break the glass. "Oh well!" I says immediately grabbing my stuff and jumping out the window.

  I quickly run back to the house. I waited outside near the bushes until they all loaded into the car. I quickly sneak inside and run up to my room. I start shoving things inside my backpack.

Walking out of my room I pass the photo wall. I frown, realizing I would most likely never be on the wall.

Except for one photo I just noticed.

 It was when me, Jeonghan and Seungcheol went shopping for the first time

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It was when me, Jeonghan and Seungcheol went shopping for the first time. Damn I was gonna miss them.

Hello my Ray's of sunshine how are you all doing. Sorry it's been some time. And sorry this chapter was all over the place. The next one will be better I promise!

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