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It had been three days since Alice left and Guinevere was stuck in a hole of sadness, Anderson was upset too but not as bad as his friend

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It had been three days since Alice left and Guinevere was stuck in a hole of sadness, Anderson was upset too but not as bad as his friend. He had asked the girl to repeat what Alice had said but Guinevere couldn't bring herself to do it. Instead the two stayed in silence, not even bothering to say 'check mate' during chess games.

Guinevere felt betrayed, she truly loved Alice but here she was alone. She hadn't bothered to write in their notebook, not wanting to be reminded of the person who had abandoned her. Alexander kept watching her, as if he was checking to see how she was coping, although that is his job afterall and she suspected he was doing it in favour of Alice- not because he cared.

Something made Guinevere open the notebook, almost as if it had called out to her and ordered her to peek inside and she was so happy she did because in there sat a letter.

My sweet, darling Guinevere
I start off by apologising. for I am so sorry for ever leaving you but just know it is only temporary and though you may not believe me it truly is with your best intentions. You see, I am free now. You will be too, soon- as-well as Alexander of course! When you feel ready you can go to Alexanders office and he will change you and Anderson. He will send you my way and we can all live in peace, no workers, no asylum, just us...FREE! We will live with this lovely man Carlisle and his adopted son Edward, Carlisle will soon meet his soulmate and we can all live like a real family and soon have many siblings! I'm excited to see you my sweet love, I love you forever.


Guinevere held the letter tight to her chest, tears threatening to spill at the thiught of living forever in peace. But, is immortality something she truly wanted? Sure it would mean her and Alice could see out the potential of their relationship, and Anderson would be with them- he too could find someone to love. But is freedom really freedom if the thing giving you this freedom is inescapable? Guinevere was all for escaping the asylum but what if in a couple of decades she was ready to settle down and fade away with the dying trees? She couldn't, once she changes there is no rewind button, no reverse remote or second chances. She sure as hell needed some time to think this whole thing over and hoped Anderson was not in a rush.

Meanwhile Alice was loving her new life, she had been practicing the vegetarian lifestyle she knew her new family were adamant on. Carlisle was happy for a new member to join the family, honoured that she had respected his diet choice and had gone to the efforts to never feed off of a human. He was happy that Alice had more people coming, and in all honesty he was hoping that one of them would be a mate for Edward. He was filled with guilt ever since he had turned the boy, Edward had just accepted his death when Carlisle sunk his teeth into the boys throat. Had the mother not begged Carlisle to do anything to save her son from the spanish influenza Edward would be 6 ft under. Instead he was either locked away at home or failing to keep to his vegetarian diet.

Alice had a vision the day she joined Carlisle, seeing Guinevere crying in her bed. Since then she has been filler with guilt for not sitting and talking with her, not taking Guinevere's feelings into consideration.

'She'll forgive you' Edward called out to the girl, they had yet to speak until now. Alice was dwelling on her emotions in the garden, she was mentally beating herself up about the situation and Edward decided to assist- not because her thoughts were annoying him to no ends, though they were, but because she reminded him of his mother. 'I've seen her in your mind, she seems like a kind soul- the kind that is understanding, she will understand'.

Alice awkwardly smiled, nodding along to his words. 'She's wonderful, I can only hope she likes this life- only, I haven't really left her much choice in the matter'. This was true, Alice never considered the fact that maybe immortality is her own dream- not Guinevere's.

'This life wasn't my choice, you know?' Edward sighed, despite not requiring the process of breathing. 'I was minutes from death before I was turned, didn't sign any contract, no permission slip... but this life Carlisle has given me, I am eternally grateful for.'

Alice wrapped Edward in a warm embrace, despite their cold temperatures.

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