TRS - Part Fourteen

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The day had finally arrived.

Luckily I still had plenty to do to distract my mind from thinking of the princess and what I would have to do later that night.

The day, unfortunately, flew by and it was soon a couple of hours before guests were due to arrive.

I busied myself by changing and preparing myself for the night ahead.

'Sir, you seem distracted'

'What do you mean, Akira. I've busy making sure everything is perfect for our guests'

'Whilst the castle is in top condition sir, your face is not'


I checked myself in the mirror to find dark circles under my eyes, eyebrows furrowed with deep wrinkles etched into my forehead and a horrible scowl plastered across my lips.

'Whilst that face has worked wonders with the suppliers, as scared as they were of you, I don't believe terrifying our guests is a top priority'

I swiftly sat myself down at my dresser and pulled out some concealer - a prince must always look his best. Whilst I worked on my face, Akira continued.

'Is there a problem at all, sir?'

'No, no. Nothing.'

I ignored the butterflies in my stomach trying to fly out and confess all to Akira.

'I believe tonight will be a .... special night for you, sir.'

I dropped the concealer and hastily scrambled around to pick up the container and lid.

'W-what do you mean?'

Akira cleared his throat as he approached me, he extended his hand to me and presented the small black velvet box I had been ignoring since that morning.

I snatched it out of his hand and shoved it into my pocket as I finished fixing my appearance.

'What have you been told?'

I demanded his answer. How much has my father told them?

'The king has been rather forthcoming with information today, sir. He has instructed all of us servants to ensure you and the princess have some time together as you have an important question to ask her'

Ah, so this is my father's way of ensuring I go ahead with the proposal. 

'So, what you are saying is that all of the servants will be watching me all night to ensure the engagement goes ahead as planned'

I confirmed my thoughts aloud, aware that Akira would never be so outright with his words.

Akira said nothing.

'Damn. Why do I have to do this!?'

'Sir, if I may be so bold, but I thought you and the princess were getting along extremely well'

'I thought we were as well! I've heard nothing from her these past two weeks. No letter or message passed through an attendant. Nothing!'

'And, sir, did you try to contact her at all?', that's besides the point! What was I supposed to say to her!?

As the days went by, I could think of no excuse to write to her and it got harder and harder to do so.

The fact I heard nothing from her makes me think she has no interest.

She forgot all about me the moment she left the castle grounds.

Akira smirked as my facial expression seemed to say everything he needed to know.

'Is our confident little prince not feeling so confident?'

I threw a nearby cushion at Akira's head, he deftly avoided it with one graceful step. I grabbed another cushion, winding up for another throw.

'Shut up. Like you would know anything.'

'Sir, you know I support your choices and judgement'

I dropped my raised arm, releasing the pillow.

Coming from someone like Akira, that really meant a lot.

'Yeah, thanks Akira.'

'And I know that the princess showed favourable behaviour towards you when she visited....if you can call it that'

I felt my cheeks burning up and immediately dropped my face to stare at the floor as Akira turned and walked to the door.

I thought back to the days the princess had visited and what a tornado she had been.

Talking to Akira had calmed my fear somewhat, however, I knew that the night ahead would be a roller coaster. The princess will never react how I expect her to and there is still no guarantee that she will agree to the engagement.

She may have had a change of heart. Maybe she acts the same with other males.

I sighed and reached into my pocket, playing with the black velvet box I had concealed in there.

Now is not the time to start doubting my decisions.

It is time I admit defeat and tell the princess of my true feelings.

I don't want this unity to only benefit our countries. 

I lifted my head and looked directly at Akira.

'Akira, seriously. Thanks.'

'I have done nothing sir'

Akira folded into a low bow as he reached for the door handle.

'It is about time for you to start welcoming the guests, sir'

Akira held the door open for me as I passed him and entered the corridor.

'Oh, and sir...'

Akira spoke from behind me, I could hear the amusement in his voice.

'The king has also instructed the staff that we are to leave yourself and the princess....alone....tonight'

Akira couldn't quite stop the snigger that had desperately escaped his lips. 

My entire being felt as though it could burst into flames.

'I seem to recall him practically skipping through the castle, singing about how he was going to gain an heir tonight.'

I wish I could disappear.

Authors Note - Hi all! Thanks for getting this far, if you have read my previous stories then I hope this story is living up to your expectations. If you are new to my writing, I hope you are enjoying the story so far :)

I just wanted to say a big thank you to you all for reading and being so positive with your comments and votes. Honestly - I love reading your comments! They are a highlight of my day :D

So keep those comments coming!

Onto the next chapter! 

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