Chapter 33 - The replacement?

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It was a late afternoon, lunch is currently being served to the students if AU. But two particular Tenno are missing from the lunch table. "Hey, Myla, where is Midoriya?" A woman with brown hair and a bob cut asked. Myla turned to Ochoca. She shrugged, "Prolly doing some boy stuff." Myla then stared at her food. Mash potatoes and fries. To many Potatoes in one dish. "Hm, wonder what they are doing."


"Damn it, put it in there."

"It's to big!"


"How am I suppose to improvise? Shove it in?!"

"Whatever helps."

Grunting, panting, and many other noises could sprout up many rumors without the context of the conversation.

"Dear Lotus, Benny. I'm a sword wielding space ninja. Not a mechanic." Izuku complained. He was drenched in sweat, his clothes and skin were starting to smell. He tossing a metal wrench onto the solid ground. It created a loud bang, causing Benjin to flinch.

"Well, you decided to help." Benjin countered, picking up the wrench, holding it back up to Izuku. Benjin was also sweaty, though not as sweaty as Izuku.

Izuku sighed, taking the wrench back. "Only because I thought it was on homework or a spider." Izuku chuckled at his own spider joke.

Benjin stood up, folding his arms. "I am not afraid of spiders. I am a killing machine." He stated sounding confident.

Izuku smirked, "Black widow!" Izuku pointed bear Benjin's feet. Benjin shot straight up, "Where- where!" He looked down at his feet, bouncing them up and down.

Izuku giggled slightly. Benjin realized that he has fallen for Izuku's trick. "You're a mean person." Benjin reproached Izuku, giving him a frown.

"Sorry, sorry." Izuku apologized, he held his arms up for a hug.








"Why not?"









There was an intense silence. The two Tenno stared each other down.

A noise rang through the room, startling the Tenno. "The bell, better get back to class." Benjin got up, wiping the sweat off his face.

Izuku got a rag, wiping the sweat off of his face and neck. "I did all the work." Izuku realized, while turning to Benjin.

Benjin shrugged, then walked out of the room. Izuku stared back at object he was working on. It was some sort of- weapon. Izuku could barely tell, only because it had a barrel and trigger. He then shorty after, walked out of the room, turning off the lights.


History, so boring and so lame.(Ironic, because I love history, not as much as PE though)

Izuku was being a good student though, taking notes and half listening, sadly he wasn't enjoying it.

The door opened, Aizawa was seen entering the classroom. Everyone stopped what they were doing, and watched Aizawa walk in. He whispered something to Midnight. She nodded, saying thank you. Aizawa nodded back, walking out of the room. "Your up kid." He said before his steps faded off.

"It seems like we have- a new student." Midnight turned to the door. There came in a fairly short girl. She had long light brown hair, reaching all the way to her behind. Her eyes were a grey-ish color, and her skin was light.

Her uniform . . .

Oh dear Lotus her uniform! Her skirt was so very short, barely covering her private area. Oh, but lucky, she was wearing some shorts under neath. Thank the Lotus for that.

"Hello! My name is Kat Kanji. My quirk is . . . Magnetism." Her tone was energetic and happy, a good trait.

Her eyes trailed to Izuku and Myla. Her eyes widened in excitement. She waved at Izuku and Myla, causing everyone to turn to the two Tenno.

Myla and Izuku shyly waved backed, blushing in embarrassment.

Midnight giggled, and scanned the room. "Go sit in the corner Kanji," Midnight pointed to an empty desk near the windows. Kat nodded and walked over to the seat.

She then sat quietly, listening to Midnight's lesson.

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