Chapter 6 - Feelin the healin

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Izuku woke up, he looked around the room. He saw a person sitting in a chair, and he decided to get up.

"You should be careful next time." He looked over at the person.


The person then got up from the seat. It was a short old lady. "I said you should be careful next time, though I doubt it's the last I will see you."

Izuku chuckled, "Yeah, probably." He then got up, no sweat.

He checked his body for anything strange. Pulling up hid shirt, there was no scar from the wound earlier.

"Uh, how long was I out.."

"Only for acouple of hours. If you run, you can get to 6th period in time."

Izuku took note of that and nodded. "Thanks," he said as he walked out the door.

He decided to walk, cause well, Fuck school. He started reaching into his pocket and grabbed out a device. A phone, he started to remember what the hot agent lady told him.

"Take these, you will need them for your school life."

"What's this?"

"Phone, the password is 2468, dont tell anybody that. Also, you can watch whatever you want on there, just don't take it out in school."

Izuku nodded, then pointed to some clothes and shoes.

"Your uniform."

Then he picked up a plastic wrapper.



Izuku was confused.

"What does it do?"

The lady walked up to him and whispered something in his ear. He immediately threw the condom at the wall.

"Im only like, 14 in Earth years..."

"Hey, gotta be prepared, now, your transportation will be outside."

Izuku then got up and picked up the condom.

"Dear Lotus.."

He then left the room, towards his ride.

Izuku pressed the a circular button on the bottom, then the phone turned on. It had a space background.

He typed in the password, accessing many things. There was one app called, Minecraft. He tapped on the Icon and was loaded into a screen that said Mojang.

"Don't take it out in school." Rang through Izuku's head.

He had a self debate on whether to follow her rules.

"You know, you're not supposed to have your phone out." Claimed a femine voice.

Izuku turned around to see a woman with light blue hair. He was taller than her.(Izuku is 5'8) He looked at her in a stern expression. "Yeah, but then I was like," Izuku was in a think position. "I don't care." Then he began to walked away.

"Wow," she said in a disgusted expression.

Izuku though eventually got to class. He opened the door, all eyes were on him. He did a small wave and a group of people started to surround the front of him. "Dude, how you feelin?" A guy with red spikey hair asked. Izuku did the okay sign with his fingers. "You sure," Izuku turned to a guy with weirdly shaped elbows. "You kind got stabbed by a metal rod." He said, "More of impaled and almost DIED!" Exclaimed a pinked skinned girl. Izuku just stood there, "Oh, we didn't introduce ourselves." Izuku looked back at the spikey red haired kid.

"Name's Kirishima, Eijiro Kirishima."

"Mine's Mina Ashido!" Mina said in a happy tone.

"The name's Hanta Sero, nice to meet ya."

"And I am Rikido Sato."

(Lowkey had to search their names up.)

Izuku had a small smile on his face. "Nice to meet ya, guys."

"Tokoyami! Stop sitting on the desk, this instant!" Demanded a classmate, while doing some weird robot hand chops.

Izuku turned to the voice. As well as the group.

Izuku walked up to the classmate and spoke. "Izuku Midoriya," Izuku held his hand out. The classmate turned to Izuku, "Tenya Iida." Shaking Izuku's hand, they both smiled.

Soon after, everyone introduced themselves to Izuku.

Then school ended. Izuku walk to a adress of where he will be living for his entire highschool life. He ran into some classmates and decided to hang with them.

He knew that he would fit in perfectly.

Egypt airport

A woman with a cloak on, snook her way into the plane baggage. She was informed to go to a Island of where the Tenno will be meeting at.

She hid behind some boxes, resting there until it is time to get off.

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