Chapter 6.5 - Transportation

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Izuku was walking to school, whistling a old tenno song he learned at the schools.

While he was walking, he saw a big ass dude fighting a big ass lady. Izuku stared at the fight. He then continued to walk.

The giant man saw Izuku walking, and not running from the fight. He smirked and picked up Izuku. "Okay, what the hell." Was all Izuku could say.

"Stay back! I have a boy!" The man the showed the lady. She was pissed, "Damnit!" Izuku looked at the giant man. "For Lotus sake man, let me go." The man scoffed at Izuku's request.
"No." He then squeezed Izuku. "Ow, ow, ow, OW!" His whole body was getting crushed my a giant hand, this was not expected by Izuku.

Izuku sighed. He the activated his warframe, he summoned out a random sword and stabs the mans hand. He instantly drops Izuku.

He then fell on a car. He groaned in pain. "Ah, my back." He then fell off the side of the car, face first. "Ow." He said in a muffled voice.

The giant lady then punched the man in the face, he fell backwards into a building.

She then kicked him in the face, knocking him out. The woman then cuffed the giant man.

Izuku got up and deactivated his warframe. He then continues to walk to school.

The lady looks at Izuku, "Hey kid." Izuku turned to the lady. "Here, let me bring you to school. As a thank you gift for helping me out." The lady then put her hand down to Izuku. He climbed on the hand. "Where do you-." She paused and saw the UA uniform. She then went towards UA highschool.

People were cheering and yelling at the sight of the giant lady.

"Mt. Lady!"

Pictures were taken, videos were recorded. Izuku was watching this from the palm of her hands.

She was waving and doing some poses while walking. At one point, almost tripped.

Once they reached the school, everyone was looking at Mt. Lady.

"Mt. Lady!"

"Is she carrying something?"

Everyone then turned their attention to her hands. She kneeled down, then came out a kid with green hair. "Thanks, tall lady." Izuku waved her goodbye. "No problem, kid." She then walked away.

All eyes were on Izuku. Then a small kid with balls on his head ran up to Izuku.

"Hey dude!"

Izuku looked down at the boy. "Hm?
The boy the jumped up and grabbed Izuku by the collar. "What did you do, huh?" Izuku looked confused. "How do you mean?" The balled hair boy then slapped him.

"Don't lie to me!"

He then got slapped by a tongue. "Sorry for him, he's kinda of a pervert." Izuku turned to see a girl with frog like features.

"Oh, makes sense." Izuku looked at his phone. "When does school start?" The girl put her finger on her chin. "8:25, im pretty sure."

Izuku checked his phone again. It was 8:19, "Well, better get going." He then proceeds to run to class. The girl following right behind him.

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