Chapter 3 - Assistance & Mexico Mayhem

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News got out about the "alien species" that came crashing down to Earth. People also getting nightmares about the so called name "Stalker."

It is said that it only appears when you see one of the aliens in person.

Though this is least of concerns.

It is reported that in mexico, there has been killings. Though police saw a pattern, the dead people were either carrying a gun, or very aggressive.

The latest deaths were 14 cartel members of the Familia de la muerte cartel. All having burn marks, slashes' or gun wounds.


It was her first day in UA highschool. She couldn't wait to see what classes she got.

People always thought she was a mean person. But on the inside, she was very nice.

Some government building

"How is he?"

"He's doin alright, though his armor is high tech."

"How high tech?"

The man sighed, "Like, spaceship high tech."

"Shit, that IS high tech."

The man was sitting in a interrogation room. The door opened, to reveal a a slender women with a suit dress. The man couldn't take his eyes off her.

She sat down, crossing her legs. She was holding a file full of papers.


The man gulped, "Hello.." He said in a shaky voice. He had his hands below the desk.

She gave him the file to look at. Then she left the room.


He looked at the pictures, he instantly threw them down.

What he saw, was the only thing that scared him, in his entire life. His nemesis, Stalker.

Then the woman came back in. This time, the man was scared. "How in the name of lotus, do you have that picture?" He asked in a nervous tone. The woman smiled, this made the man even more nervous.

"You know," she got up and walked right behind him.

"You are not the only tenno on this planet." She bended down, resting her head on his head.

"What do you mean?" He asked curiously.

"What do you think it means?"

He was about to say somethimg, but he decided not to. He just looked at the table.

Silence was in the room. She was about to leave.

"Where are we..."

The woman looked surprised, but she was happy that he spoke up.

"A Government building."

"No," he responded.

The woman was nos confused.

"What planet are we on."

She smiled, then walked out of the room.


"Um, ¿Conoces el lugar de la comida?"

"Oh, si." A woman said. She pointed to a restaurant that was nearby.

"Oh, thank you."

The man walked to the restaurant, opening to door and sitting down. He looked at the menu, "Hm, that looks good."

"Ello sir, how may I help you?"

"I'll take the Chilaquiles."

The waiter nodded and walked to the kitchen.

He was waiting, until he heard the door open, and alot of noise coming in.

"Hey, cabron, that's our spot."

The man ignored him. "Im speaking to you Puta!"

He still ignored him.

Then he pulled out a gun. The man then turned around.

"What's up, BITCH."

The man balled his fist in anger, aand he had alot to release.

"What'cha gonna do, eh?"

The man then pulles out his own gun, shooting him im the face.

The group that was with him also took out their guns.

The man fired a few shots at the group, before hiding behind the counter.

At this point, everyone in the area left the restaurant.

"Hey wey, want to tell us your name before we kill you?" They all chuckled.


He then electrocuted them, killing them all. Volt then ran into the kitchen to get his food and left.

"I hate this place." He said to himself

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