Chapter 30 - Party, Party, PARTY!

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Loud music was booming. So loud, that it is shaking the whole entire house. The trio of Tenno sat on the sides, not wanting to get trampled by the multiple dancing people.

Benjin had his hands covering his ears. His elbows using his thighs as support. "Make it stop." He groaned, feeling his head is about to burst.

"Maybe coming here wasn't a- good idea." Izuku regretted, while leaning on the chair.

Myla smirked, "But they looked so happy when we accepted." Myla countered, turning to Izuku.

He also turned to her, giving her direct eye contact. "Yeah but, what are we gonna do? Dance? I don't know how to dance." Izuku stated, hoping is point would convince Myla.

Unfortunately, she wasn't convinced. "Wait here." She gets up, and pushed her way through the crowd. Izuku glances over at Benjin, still covering his ears. Then back, losing where Myla went.

He huffed, taking a barely empty cup of Fruit punch. The music then stops, confusing everyone at the party. "It stopped, it stopped!" Benjin praised.

Then, slower, and romantic music came on. {Insert any slow Romantic music you want, I don't give a fuck}Everyone, was surprised. Myla then came through the crowd. She held her hand out, wanting Izuku to take it.

Everyone watched, causing Izuku's blood to raise to his face. "No- no, no, no." Izuku refused, obviously not wanting to go with her.

"C'mon, lets go." She pleaded, giving him the puppy eyes. Izuku sighed, not wanting to argue with her. He got up, Myla was ecstatic, dragging Izuku to the dance floor.

Everyone on the dance floor stepped away, watching the two Tenno. Myla was intertwine Izuku's fingers, making sure he doesn't run off. "I know, you know how to dance." Izuku had a single bead of sweat rope down his forehead. "How do you know?" He asked, wondering how she new his secret.

"I've seen you dance with her plenty of ladies, trust me." She smirked, Izuku sighed in defeat.

"Fine, but only one time, one." Myla bopped his nose, "One is all I need." The music then started to turn up, signaling the start of the dance.

{Insert the dance you want}

People watched in awe. No one expected a "couple" to dance out on the floor. "When did this turn into a ball?" A random kid asked, only getting shrugs.

Izuku and Myla danced like no one was watching. They were so in sync, their dance spoke love and romance.


10:18 PM, Monday. At this time, everyone had already left, some people decided to help clean up.

Izuku, Benjin, and Myla walked on the sidewalk, and watched as cars drive by. They were tired, long dancing can take a toll on your muscles.

Except Benjin.

He can go through sleepless nights for weeks. Always working on a invention or project. Damn nerd.

Once they reached Izuku's apartment, they all did what they did. Take a shower, brush their teeth, and sleep.


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