Chapter 13 - Mall fight

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Izuku and the girls were roaming through the mall.

"Ooh, that looks cute!" Mina exclaimed. She took out a shirt, though Izuku wasn't paying attention.

He looked out the window of the shop, his vision turning red. "What." He closed his eyes, opening them again.



He turned around. "Yeah?" Katsumi stared at him. "What happened, you zoned out or something."

Izuku rubbed his eyes, "Yeah, sorry."
He paused for a bit. "I was just looking at something." He lied.

"Was it a girl?" Tooru asked. Mina and Katsumi was eagered to hear the answer. Izuku chuckled, "No," Tooru got up closer to Izuku's face. His face was pink, "He's blushing!" Tooru exclaimed.

Izuku hid his face, "No, no, shut up." The 3 girls giggled.

"Your end is near."

Izuku turned around. "Did you guys hear that?" He turned back to the girls.



"No, you okay Midori?" Mina asked, thinking he was crazy.

Izuku looked around, "I don't know, i'm probably just hearing things."

"You sure?" Katsumi questioned.


"No way out."

Izuku turned around. He saw something that had forever haunted him. "N-no." He stuttered.

Everyone was starring at the figure. "What are you starring at?" Tooru asked. The 3 girls looked over at what Izuku was starring at. They saw the figure looking at Izuku.

"T-the fuck is that?" Katsumi asked in a fearful tone. Izuku then activated his warframe. "Get back." Izuku demanded.

"What is-." Mina was cut off by Izuku running at the figure.

The figure then pulled out a sword and teleported away from Izuku.

Izuku looked around the area. People running away, and others backing up to see the fight.

Izuku felt like he was pulled and fell on the ground. He looked up and saw the figure raising its weapon. Izuku summoned a bo staff. The figure hit the staff, unharming Izuku. "For Lotus sake, out off all the damn weapons."

He pushed the weapon up, making the figure stumble back. Izuku jumped away from the figure.

He looked at the figures body. It was a slim body structure. It was holding a sword whip looking weapon.


The figure chuckled. Then it disappeared. Izuku exhaled, "Dear Lotus."

Foot steps could be heard approaching him. Izuku looked around. They were heros, "The villian is gone."

Izuku deactived his warframe. "You're under arrest." A hero with a wooden body said.

Izuku frowned. "What?"

He then went behind Izuku and cuffed his hands. "Don't make this hard, okay?"

More foot steps approached the heros and Izuku. "Wait!"

The heros turned to the voice.

"Why are you arresting Midori?"

"Well Midori is under arrest of using his quirk without a permit, destruction of property, and 2nd degree murder." A man with a construction looking costume claimed.

The girls were shocked. "What?!" All 3 of them exclaimed.

Izuku was then tooken away by the heros. Izuku didn't say a word.

Police station

Izuku was sitting in his cell. He waited for no-one, he just sat there silent.

A cop was watching the cells. He looked over at Izuku. He walks over and banged on his cell. Izuku looked up, seeing the cop stare at him.

"What happened kid, huh." Izuku looked down at his feet.

"Friends? Break-up? Vendetta? Bully?" The cop guessed. The cop smirked, and walked away.

Izuku sighed, then a door opened. Foot steps walked closer to Izuku and stopped at his cell. "Looks like it's your lucky day." Izuku looked up. It was another cop, standing behind him was. . .

All Might.

"Come on, young Midoriya."

Izuku got up, and walked out with All might.

"Why'd you bail me out? You know I killed, right?" Izuku asked.

"Atleast you are honest." All might said.

Once they left the police station, they walked into an alley way. "I did not request this, young Midoriya." Izuku looked confused, "Who?"

"Well, our friend. . ."

"Principle Nezu."

A Tenno's Quirk(Discontinued)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora