"Where are you going?" Jennie called from the living room, just as I put my arms through the sleeves of my coat.

"Jisoo's place," I said hurriedly, as I grabbed my keys and slipped through the apartment door before she got the chance to say anything else.

Wasting no time, I ran through the surprisingly almost empty halls of the building, dodging a few students here and there. I wasn't going to run away, not this time. The good things were worth fighting for and therefore, I've made the decision to do everything in my power to show Rosie the truth. Not just so I would get her back, at least as a friend, but so she would be set free from the cuffs around her wrist she wasn't even aware of. Because the longer she would be imprisoned, the harder the truth would get to bear.

I ran as fast as I could, wanting to get to her as soon as possible. There was no way of knowing if she was even in, but I had to try. I had a plan. If she refused to listen, I would make her. I made up my mind that I would tell her no matter what. In case she wouldn't be in the dorm, I'd ask Jisoo to tell me where she was, but either way, I would get to her. Even if I had to go to the other side of the world.

The chilly air outside hit my face as I ran out of the building and I immediately noticed the dark clouds above me that were getting ready to pour water on the world, washing away all the bad and wrong. At least that's what I imagined, what I liked about this kind of weather. It made me feel like I was a new me, it let me think in peace about things that haunted my mind. Sometimes it got depressing and the rain only reinforced that, but even then, it was in a peaceful way. So when tears rolled down my cheeks like the raindrops against the window, I felt like I wasn't entirely alone. I and the sky cried together, and after the rain stopped, there was a new day ahead with a new start. It was funny how the weather fit the scenario I was in. And if you asked me, it was pretty chliché. Have it been in a movie, I would be gagging right about now. That, or silently enjoying it.

Gentle raindrops started falling from the sky and I hoped it wasn't a sign that today wouldn't go well. Before it started pouring, I ran inside the building in which the dorm I was headed to was located, and silently thanked any forces above, for not making it rain just yet. The thoughts of arriving before the person most important to me, drenched in rainwater, didn't exactly sound like something I'd want to experience. 

I didn't feel like showing up with water dripping from my body as if I was in some romantic drama. Life wasn't a movie, it didn't work like that. Life was hard and I didn't like the idea of making it something it wasn't and exaggerating the situation, by being superfluously dramatic. Even if I didn't exactly have the power over the course of the weather.

Without wasting a second to consider what I was just about to do, I started running up the stairs. I seriously should've considered just walking because halfway up, I was already out of breath. But then again, she could leave at any give moment and I couldn't risk letting her slip between my fingers ever again. I wouldn't repeat the same mistake I did. I would make sure this day would end with us being together again. 

I tried not to think about the possibility of her not wanting to talk to me. As much as I loved her and missed her, I couldn't make her talk to me. I could try, but there was just so much one could endure if being pushed away. Rosie would be the one to determine the direction of our friendship if I could even call it that right now. Whether she wanted me and wanted to know the truth. Or not. It was her call to make, all I could do was hope she would choose me.

Once I reached the floor I wanted to get to, I practically leaped to the door. It was pointless being in such rush hence I was already there, but I couldn't help myself, I had to see her and I had to see her now. If I didn't, the anticipation and nervousness would get to me and I didn't want to be a stuttering mess before her.

Love Is Not Enough | ChaelisaWhere stories live. Discover now