Chapter Forty-Seven: Akashiya VS Souh Pt2

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Kento got back to his feet, helping Kurumu and the girls up, then they ran up to Chika, who seemed to be lost and concerned. "Chika? Where did that guy just take Moka?" The former asked.

"And who was that?" Kurumu demanded. "I want a rematch with that guy."

"We need to go find Braedey. He's the only one who can get Moka back." Chika stated to them. "Moka's life is at risk, and we need to act here and now." She added on.

"Let's go." With that, Kento, and the girls began to sprint away to the Newspaper Club building, all of them with a fire in their eyes, and with Chika bearing a stern expression on her faces

They had to get Moka back at once. No matter who stands in their way.

(Newspaper Club)

Crimson began to tend to Braedey's wounds, cleaning them up and dressing them, the brunette wincing from the hydrogen peroxide that was being used on his wounds to clean them up. All the while, the brunette was concerned for both Moka and Chika, and hoping they were okay.

Braedey groaned in pain, slowly sitting up, Crimson holding her two right arms behind his back to provide support. "Ouch... that guy really had some strength to boot." He muttered to himself.

"You okay?" Crimson asked to Braedey.

"I'll recover, thanks to my vampire blood." Braedey sighed to himself, shaking his head. "Although, I guess my pride is shattered." He turned to Crimson. "Where are Chika and Moka?" He asked.

Before Crimson replied to Braedey's question, the sound of fast approaching footsteps could be heard from outside, getting their attention. They looked to the door, just as Kento, Mizore, Kurumu, Yukari, and Chika sprinted into the room.

"Braedey! There you are. Man, we've got a very bad situation." Kento panted, like a dog in the hot Summer sun.

"Whoa. Slow down, Kento." Braedey held his hand out, stopping them. "Okay. Listen. What's happened?" He asked them.

"That blonde blowhard knocked us down before we could even get our own two-cents, and he kidnapped Moka, then vanished into thin air." Chika explained to him.

"You all lost her?!" Braedey yelled out in anger at the group, making them step back, fearing he'd go full-on Leobreaker on them. He then took a deep breath, and he sighed. "I'm fine. Just a little... tense."

"I think it be best for me to tell you about my relationship between me and Elias." Chika spoke up, getting their attention, as they turned their heads to face her.

Chika's brother, Elias, who's a full-blooded vampire, and the heir of the Presecan household, is quite a jerk toward her, offer insulting her existence and pulls horrible and cruel jokes on her, and he often proves he's far superior than she is. There is no love between them both, though Chika often longs for a sibling relationship toward Elias, and she tries to be understanding, but Elias wants nothing to do with a sorry excuse for a half-breed.

"Well, ain't he just a piece of work." Kurumu huffed, crossing her arms under her chest, making her breasts pop up.

"Ain't that the truth." Yukari agreed with the succubus.

"Where do you think Elias took Moka?" Braedey asked to Chika.

"Well, my best guess, he might've taken her away to our castle home, up in the Carpathian Mountains, which goes from the Czech Republic to Romania." Chika explained to him.

Transformers: Rosario + Vampireजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें