Chapter Thirty-Five: Battle of Egypt Pt1

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The girls watched on in awe, as they watched distant figures dropped out of planes; they could make out soldiers falling through the sky, familiar and un-familiar Autobots, and the body of Optimus Prime.

"Dropping the big boy. Braedey!" Simmons shouted, and said boy ran faster towards the rest of the group. "You think you can bring him back to life with no Matrix?" He asked, once Braedey and Moka made it to the rest of the group.

"I'll do what I must. Let's Roll Out." Braedey ordered, and the group now made their way towards the ruins of an Egyptian town, now turned into a small village, where their reinforcements and Optimus Prime were landing.

(29.5N - 34.88E)
(Tip of the Red Sea)

Lennox, Epps, along with Kokoa, Nathaniel, Molly, Taylor, Yuki, Matthew, Jento, and Toby landed on the sands of the Egyptian desert, and headed off to the ruins of an old town, whilst the Autobots drove up in their vehicle modes, all of them ready for battle.

"Secure a perimeter!" Lennox ordered, as the soldiers ran into the town.

"Cover up Optimus!" Matthew ordered, and he, Toby, Nathaniel, and Yuki covered up the Prime's deceased form with some large parachutes to keep him hidden from the Decepticons.

"We need snipers and stingers up high

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"We need snipers and stingers up high." Lennox ordered next.

"Load up .50 Calibers and Gatling guns on the upper levels as well." Jento ordered next up.

"So, we just dropped off about ten tonnes of dead alien robot in the middle of the desert." Molly muttered, her aim looking out to the desert. "I just hope Braedey and Kento know what their doing."

"Yeah, me too." Lennox replied.

A few moments later, all the soldiers were all set up and ready for action. The Autobots have set up a defensive perimeter around the town, all keeping their optics out in case they pick up on any Decepticon signals.

"Got a visual! Yellow team! Four clicks!" One soldier called out.

Nathaniel looked to Luna, who handed him a pair of binoculars. He took a look, and smiled. "It's Bumblebee and the Twins!" He informed to Lennox.

"Pop flare!" Lennox ordered, and Molly fired a flare into the sky.


Bumblebee drove down the dusty roads, driving as fast as he could, towards the old Egyptian ruins, playing host to the body of Optimus Prime, with Mudflap, Skids, and Alpha Trion right behind him. The group had been driving towards the ruins for quite a while, and they had recently lost physical sight of the ruins, so they were starting to grow wary, when a fiery red flare flew up into the sky, and exploded into a firework of red.

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