Chapter Thirty-Six: Battle of Egypt Pt2

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Back in the epicentre of the battle, the NEST soldiers and Autobots were starting to lose some ground from the Decepticons. Soldiers were getting killed on the battlefield, and even with the monsters with them, it looked like the tide of war wasn't in their favour.

"We've got Jordanians!" Epps called out, once he saw two helicopters fly into view.

"We've got help!" Lennox yelled in relief.

One of the Decepticons noticed the approaching helicopters, then fired a missile, one that struck the main engine of one copter, shooting it out of the sky, and it crashed to the ground.

"Dammit." Toby sighed sadly

"Where's the Transformatrix bearer when you need him?" Matthew muttered to himself, now firing at a Decepticon's helm, and shooting out its optics.

"Braedey and the others should be here soon. They just had to take a detour." Yukari peeped to him, firing a sniper shot at a distance 'Con, only for the recoil of the gun to knock her off her feet, and land on her bottom. "Ow..." She muttered.

"Here." Mizore dropped a pistol next to the small witch, and shot several ice spikes at Decepticons, making them bleed out Energon from their wounds.

"Right. Like what you're thinking, Mizore." Yuki summoned his ice claws, and he shot a salvo of icicles at two advancing Decepticons, making them groan and bleed out.


Meanwhile, one of the Jordanian helicopters was flying towards one of the pyramids. 'The Fallen' saw this and growled to himself. He cocked his left arm blaster, and fired a single shot to the helicopter's rear tail, causing it to spin out of control, and crash to the ground down in the open pit mine.

With Kento, Kurumu, and Simmons, they were still at the pit mine, which Devastator had just climbed out of, and the three were tending to some soldiers that were in the crashed helicopter.

"You okay, soldier?" Simmons called. "Let's get these wounded clear of the bird."

"Stay still. Don't move." Kurumu reassured the men in the back of the copter. "Stay Still. I'm gonna try and cut you out, okay?"

"You alright, young man?" Kento asked the first pilot of the chopper. "Do you have a radio?" The soldier nodded, and he handed him the radio, then Kento helped that soldier out of the helicopter, putting him down next to some metal for shelter. Kento ran up to Kurumu. "Kurumu, Simmons and I have got to stop Devastator and fast. You get to Braedey and the others at once. Do you understand?"

"I'll get these men out, and then to my destined one!" Kurumu declared. She was then surprised when Kento kissed her on the lips, making her blush up in response. "Kento..."

"Kid, remember what I did for my country." Simmons told the bluenette succubus. "This is my moment."

With that, the two males ran off after Devastator, whilst Kurumu gets the soldiers out of the chopper, then she took to the skies to the ruins. She wasn't going to lose her destined one today!

 She wasn't going to lose her destined one today!

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