Chapter 37: Narcissus

Start from the beginning

Elze's history on men was a bit odd. It seems like she had a close history with multiple men whom which were deeply fascinated with her enough to break their own engagements with their fiancées to pursue Elze. The man who recently died was one of those men whose heart Elze stole. The most recent relationship she was involved in happened to be with the blonde man whom she often went to diners and inns with. However, that is not particularly strange since inns often open diners below to welcome more customers. Just the fact that Elze shows interest in taken men is a bit unsettling.

"Thank you very much for the information," I said as I tried handing him an envelope with money.

He quickly refused it.

"As I have said before, our first service is free. It would be a pleasure to serve you again," Laconian said as he kissed the back of my hand.

"Then, I will be off," I said as I bid him farewell.

"Good day to you as well, Lady Koran," Laconian said to Miss Koran.

Miss Koran did not acknowledge him and walked away coldly.

"Do you know that man personally, Miss Koran?" I asked.

"...He is an unpleasant man," Miss Koran said as if she did not truly dislike him.

I had written a letter to Baron Gysel Kruger yesterday about asking to see him. Since I was a close friend of Elze, he gave me a returning letter as soon as possible and allowed a meeting for him today. We met up at his residence.

"Thank you for allowing me to meet you today, Baron Gysel Kruger," I said with a curtsy.

"I am honored that you would request for my presence, Lady Lemaire," Baron Gysel Kruger said.

Baron Gysel Kruger appeared to be a clean cut looking man. His hair and eyes resembled Elze and he had a youthful appearance. He inherited his title young, so many were quite jealous of him. It is understandable if they were to try to put him down through bad rumors.

"I am the one who is truly honored. I have heard of your numerous charitable exploits," I said with a smile.

"I am thankful that you are a good friend of Elze," Baron Gysel Kruger said. "Now, what brings you here, Lady Lemaire?"

We soon sat down to chat in his office.

A young girl appearing to be in her late teens placed down some tea for us and sat beside Baron Gysel Kruger.

"Please allow me to introduce my wife Meier," Baron Gysel Kruger said.

"It is an honor to meet you, Lady Lemaire," she said with a bright smile.

She is the one...She exuded an air of innocence and warmth compared to that of the cold Baron Gysel Kruger.

She is younger than I thought...I also heard that she has a five year old son. I am curious about her age, but also do not want to know at the same time.

"Likewise," I said with a smile.

"Could I ask for the reason of your visit, Lady Lemaire?" Baron Gysel Kruger asked.

"I heard that you recently bought the mansion of the late Count Bernard Furst," I said as I reached for my milk tea.

"Yes, Count Bernard Furst is actually a friend of mine. I thought it would be better for me to manage it if Baroness was unable to," Baron Gysel Kruger said.

"I have heard that you have no plans on renovating it yet," I said as I placed my cup down.

"Not yet...Was Lady Lilian also interested in the residence?" Baron Gysel Kruger asked.

"Yes, it was the perfect location to build a new orphanage, but it seems like I was a step too late," I said woefully.

"...I intentionally bought the residence for my niece, Elze. She will eventually start a family of her own. It was supposed to be a wedding gift for her from me," Baron Gysel Kruger said.

A residence where a murder occurred not too long ago for your precious niece? Is that not a bit odd?

"I see, that is unfortunate...Does Elze know that she had received this gift from you yet?" I asked.

"Yes, I even gave her the keys about a week ago. I told her that I would renovate it later on. Count Bernard Furst just died, so it would be wrong to renovate it so soon. I just left it as is," Baron Gysel Kruger said.

The mansion was unlocked by the police and was left that way since the investigation. Anyone could have gone in and out at the time between Count Bernard Furst's death and between now.

The mansion is in Elze's name but that does not necessarily mean that the research lab belonged to her. It could have as well belonged to someone else since she only recently became the owner of that mansion.

"...It was a true tragedy about what happened to Count Furst," I said.

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