We were never this complicated, I thought to myself as I looked at the older more mature Micah. I always knew where I stood romantically with Micah. I lay the picture on my pillow and listened for any sound of movement outside. Eventually there was a soft knock on the door and Michael opened the door and took a small step inside the room and stopped.

"Barry called he wants to see me." He remarked quietly.

I nodded.

"I'll be back after you've fallen asleep, so I won't see you until tomorrow."

I nodded.

"Okay, so I'll guess, I'll see you tomorrow."

I nodded.

He turned and took a step forward pausing in the door way, his fingers drummed against the door frame for a split second and for a moment I thought he was leaving and gazed down at the floor but then I felt the back of his hand glide down my arm. I looked up and Michael was there. He leaned down and placed a kiss on the top of my head.

"Lorna, I can be whatever you need," He said "I'm only a monster when I'm working, when I'm with you I can be your boyfriend, your husband, your best friend, your lover, whatever you want. It's as easy as that."

He caught my chin and tilted my head up tenderly he brushed his lips against mine and softly instructed me,

"Stay in the apartment. Don't leave. I'll see you in the morning."

"Okay." I said.

The rest of the evening passed in a blur. Francesca and Magda came back home shortly after Michael left. I think they wanted to do some sort of family bonding time because Magda had gone out and brought a bunch of family board games to play with. Eagerly Francesca got me to pick one of the games to play and we all sat in the lounge for the remainder of the evening having a nice time. Francesca and Magda were really competitive against each other which was really cute and sweet in a way. Francesca would disappear off into the kitchen and Magda would fiddle with her cards.

"Did she touch my cards?" Francesca asked me.

"How dare you try to bring my perfect reputation in to disrepute!" Magda scoffed.

"You've got that look on your face Magdalena Kasmira."

"This is the look of an honest woman." Magda replied.

Francesca didn't believe her. Shaking her beautiful red hair she shrugged,

"I hope you are setting an example for our daughter."

"I am. I'm teaching how to win."

Francesca's eyes narrowed on Magda and she continued to play on.

They were a really cute couple, it's hard to believe that anyone would condemn such a loving relationship. I wondered if my relationship with Michael would ever be that rock steady. Francesca eventually won the game but that was only because Magda let her. When Francesca left the room Magda whispered to me,

"I always let her win otherwise she is sulking for days and I can't bear it."

"How did you two meet?" I asked.

"My darling heart that was a very long time ago," Magda smiled, "We were both so very young and we had such a hard time."

My face saddened, Magda and Francesca fell in love at a time when homosexuality was consider wrong. Their covens threw them out and they lived in exile for many years scraping an existence unable to provide for themselves. Duncan was Francesca's brother and he had invited the couple back into the coven, but sadly for Magda she was still shunned by her own coven.

"It sucks." I said quietly.

"That it does my dear. I would so love to show you Mama's winter castle that father built for her. She was the most beautiful vampire in all Siberia- I never met her though. She was dead when I rose as a vampire. My father built a castle in memorial of her loveliness then sat up to watch the sun on the day it was completed."

"So you never met your father either?"

"Castles take decades even centuries to build, so I knew my father very well. He was a lonely man after the passing of my mother and eventually choose to follow her in death."

"What happened then?"

"I stayed with my coven under the watchful eye of my Grandfather who was head of the coven. His daughter was my mother and his only child. I was my mother's only child and you Lorna are my only child."

"What was he like?"

"He was very handsome. Stunning blue eyes like the rest of us, and he was only twenty when he was turned into a vampire so very youthful. But his temper was like an ice storm. None of us dared to defy him except me. I met Francesca at a ball in St. Petersburg before the revolution and we knew instantly that we were mates and I ran way with her. It broke my grandfather's heart but I thought he would eventually come around. He never did."

"Have you ever tried to contact him?"

"Occasionally but he always refuses my attempts at communication. Maybe one day the hate in his heart will leave him." Magda said sadly.

I put my arms around her and gave her a hug,

"You're the best vampire mom in the world." I said.

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