bite. chapter 26 - my micah

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Keira dropped me off outside the bridge which for some reason had been mysteriously closed for overnight repairs. Before she drove away she handed me a small silver pistol.

“Just in case he turns out to be a weirdo.” She said.

 I slipped the gun in my jacket pocket and looked about wondering if one of the slayers or archangels would leap out on me and wrestle me to the ground. But there was no one. The power station lay derelict on the south side of the river. I ignored the signs and traffic cones and walked along the road. I emerged on the bridge stopped still. In front of me I could see a grown up Micah standing casually in a brown leather jacket staring over the water completely obviously to the danger he was in. For a moment I wanted to run across the bridge and jump into his arms because I was so pleased to see him but then I realized this was not the time for a soppy reunion. I walked across the bridge and he turned like he was expecting me.

“Lorna.” Micah smiled warmly.

“Micah.” I said in hushed whisper of awe.

Tears welled up in my eyes, and I reached out and touched his face. Micah. My Micah.

“You have to go, Micah, people are coming to kill you. You have to leave now.” I said urgently.

Micah shrugged and wrapped his arms around me just like we had done long ago. I felt him bury his face into the side of my neck and then take a slow deep breath inhaling my scent. This didn’t feel like a friendly hug, it felt like an intimate embrace. I tried not to shudder at Micah’s touch, the vampire blood bond between Michael and I made me feel sick at the touch of another man. Micah’s hand swept over my hair and he made shushing noises softly in my ear. This didn’t feel like Micah. This felt seriously wrong.

“I’ll make them all go away.” Micah said softly

“Shit Micah, they got shitting guns! You’ve got to get out of here!” I snapped trying to pull away.

“Stop,” The order was swift and sharp and Micah pulled me back into his arms, the strength of his grip shocked me, “It’s already too late, they are already here.”

Looking over my shoulder I saw Michael by himself walking across the bridge with a gun.

“Don’t you dare hurt her!” he yelled at Micah.

Micah lifted my chin up forcing me to meet his eyes, “Does she look hurt to you?” He called back to Michael.

“Leave her out of this, Micah. Give her back to me.” Michael said calmly.

Micah let out an angry snort of laughter, “Give her back? She never belonged to you! You took her from me and now I am taking back what is rightfully mine.”

A horrible wild chorus of howls resonated across the bridge from the derelict power station cutting right through me. The monsters were coming.

“Micah, please, you really need to get out of here.” I said. He didn’t understand the danger he was in. Michael pulled out his gun and I quickly stepped protectively infront of Micah, “I won’t let you kill him.” I said pulling out the pistol from my jacket pocket and pointing it at Michael. The colour drained from Michael’s face,

“Throw the gun down now Lorna!” He pleaded.

I shook my head, “No, I know you’re going to kill him.”

“Lorna, we are surrounded by soldiers and slayers put the gun down now before-”

Michael suddenly lunged forward as a thirty red laser dots appeared over the vital points of my body. I blinked and heard the soft whistling sounds of bullets cutting through the air. Arms wrapped protectively around me crushing me against a wall of flesh then turning sharply they took the hail of bullets for me. Panic swept over me, no one could survive that many hits. I pulled out of the protective embrace expecting to see Michael falling to his knees in a death kneel. But I was wrong- so very wrong. The bullets were pushed out of Micah’s flesh dropping to the floor making metallic clinking sounds as his skin and muscle tissue healed. Micah wasn’t human. I felt faint and staggered forward, Micah’s arms reached out and caught me, steadying me. I looked up at him speechless unable to contemplate the reality that I was facing right now.

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