bite. - chapter 18: blackout

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There was thunder up above in the real world. Magda and Francesca kept pent up all week pacing the floor space of our tiny apartment in punishment for my little escapade on the tube. The vision of the man turning into a monster played over and over in my head. His body coiling and contorting as the woman helplessly watched on in horror was burnt into my memory. Hugging my knees into my chest I sat on the bed and tried to forget that poor woman’s face as the monster devoured her. There was another loud rumble of thunder above. Michael said he would come home early today. Nothing more was ever said about the night Michael abruptly left me after we made love for the first time. Micheal pretended it was all the overwhelming emotion he had experienced in that moment but I knew he was lying. Keira had spelt it out quite clearly for me- who the hell runs away just like that? Hours I had spent typing into search engines on the internet browsing through dating site after dating site for other girls whose partners had experience a sudden sense ‘heightened emotion’ after sex. I wanted to prove Keira wrong but I ended up proving her right. There wasn’t one single case where a man just abruptly left because he was confused by his emotions. I felt so childish. All this crap I read in books and seen in films were miserable lies. Relationships hurt especially when the person you love is keeping secrets from you.

Magda knocked on the door and poked her head through, “Good news kid your off from parole.”

I waved my hands weakly in the air and pretended to care, “Yay.” I said flatly.

“I left your blood on the side. Me and Fran are going out, okay hunny bunny.”

“Great!” I smiled.

I got up and drank the blood quickly and got dressed. Michael  left a note on the side. He was going to try and get the evening off to spend with me. Part of me felt happy while the other part felt pissed. Why would I want to spend time with someone who lied to me.

I knocked on the door and Sheldon opened it, “About fucking time!” He yelled, ushering me in.

I followed him into his Spanish styled villa where Stephen was laid back on the sofa sipping a cool glittering tequila.

“I can’t believe you fucking dragged us into this.” Sheldon said slamming his fist against the table.

“Dragged you into what? What are you talking about?” I said confused.

Sheldon picked up a thick wad of paper and shook it in my face, “Have you any fucking idea what the fuck you have gotten yourself into!”

Defensivly I snapped, “No I haven’t.”

“A whole pile of shit. Deep doggy doo doo up to my god damn eye balls,” Sheldon replied

“The files you wanted aren’t  kept on the government data system.”

“Shit.” I sighed.

“It means these are really top secret- the kind of top secret that even vampires are assassinated for seeing. Me and Stephen had to cover our tracks really good to make sure your boyfriend wouldn’t be knocking on our door.”

“So if you didn’t find the files what did you find.”

“Where the files are kept. Now the question is how bad do you want these files?” Sheldon asked pulling out his laptop.

“Pretty f-ing bad.” I replied.

“Good, because I have the feeling this is going to blow your mind. The files are kept in a secure archive by the slayer department. The awesome news is that I know where the archive is, the bad news is that the archive is not exactly a locked filing cabinet. The archive is on a boat, a decommissioned passenger ferry to be more precise.”

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