"Is Tall inside that room too??"

  "YESSS!! She was actually listening to a music while reading but she heard the commotion going on so she revealed herself. Tall was a black belter so she easily kicked the hell out of the boy. It's their first time talking to each other. The first conversation went like this, 'Are you okay?' Tall asked. But  Short kept on crying because of the terror that just happened. Tall just helped Short and gave her an extra shirt that she had"

  "Hmmmmppp.. If I was there, I would kick that boy too"

  "I know you would" she smiled to the girl beside her.

  "I will not only kick but also punch him too" the black haired said and punched the air. But she felt pain from her muscle.
  "Aishhh... don't use to much force. We are old now you know that" the blonde girl said.

  "Yes ma'am, please continue the story"

  "So after that, Short was shy to look at Tall when they pass by each other. Her friends just pushed Short towards the scary room because she wants to give back the shirt of Tall, she also brought her lunch so she could have lunch with her. It was a perfect timing, Tall came with her lunch. While they were eating, Short one is looking at her with full of love. It creeped out the taller one. 'Why are you looking at me like that??' The taller girl asked. This time she was organizing her things. 'It's because I like you?' Yes, the Younger one was brave. 'It's just an infatuation, you'll get over with it' The taller girl replied. She doesn't know that the Younger girl made its way towards her, closer to her. So she turned around and their faces were just inches away. 'It's not infatuation, I know it's love. I'll make you fall for me, just wait, I'll make you say I love you to me' and just that, the Shorter one ran outside, to her friends and told them everything"

  "Woahhh that was a brave act..." the black haired girl rested her head on the shoulder of the the blonde girl.

  "Yep, it was. That's the first time she did that actually. She confessed for the first time because people would always confess to her first. So here it is, since then the Shorter girl is always hanging out on that room with her. She did everything just to prove to Tall that she loves her very much. Like, she would go infront of their house and wait for her. Having lunch with her instead of her friends. Talking to her 24/7"

  "Wasn't Tall annoyed?? I'd be annoyed if someone talks to me 24/7, I have my own life to live" said the black haired.

  "OHHHH.. that's how Tall said to the Short. Yes, she was annoyed because Short is so talkative and sweet and clingy. So she shouted at her which made Short cry. Tall said 'Get lost, you are so talkative it hurts my ear always when I hear your voice'. Because of that, her smile fades. From being clingy and jolly to sad and no energy. Tall has really no emotions, she doesn't even feel bad when she sees Short. That's on Short's mind, but she doesn't know that Tall actually felt bad. She wanted to say sorry for hurting her feelings. So she followed her on her way home. It was sunset that time. Short was actually being followed by some gang that has a love interest towards her. If you were there you could see her crying for help"

  "I thought Tall was following her??"

  "Yes, please stop interrupting my story"

  "Ohhh sorry sorryyy ... continue"

  "So as I was saying, yes Tall was following her so she came and beat them again. When I say never make Tall angry and use her strength towards you, never. The two ran in a small way, they are still holding hands. 'Sorry' said Tall and removed her hands. She went to look out if they are still there. 'I'm sorry by the way, for what I said' Short suddenly smiled because she heard her say that but still she prevented herself showing it to her. 'Not accepted' she pouted and looked away. 'What?! What can I do for you to forgive me??' replied by Tall, annoyed. 'Be with me for a month' Tall was shocked by the response of the girl. 'Are you crazy?' ... here is what Short replied, 'I told you that I love you but you didn't believed me. Sooooo that's how you will earn my forgivenes. Be with me 24/7 for 1 month'. Tall hesitated at first but eventually accepted it just to forgive her. 'Hmmmm
.. make sure that you make me fall for you. I'm saying this now, I am not that easily to be in love' said Taller. 'Just wait, I'll take care of it. I'll make you fall for me' then Short crunched her nose. It made Tall blushed"

  "Hmmmmm sounds interesting" the black haired girl said and coughed.

  "Do you need water ??" Blonde girl asked.

  "Uhmm nop.. just continue the story" she interwhined their hand together. It made the blonde girl blushed.


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