That conversation with the Hokage had made her rather paranoid. She kept half-expecting Midoriko to manifest behind her at any moment and attack her. She was pretty jumpy this morning, and Minato was noticing it. She had gotten lost in the thoughts while making breakfast, thinking about the whole Midoriko thing. Let's just say he scared her worse than the first day she had made breakfast. He had been carefully watching her since.

"What's the matter Kagome-chan? What's got you so spooked?" Minato finally asked.

Kagome looked at him before quickly looking down to her cup of tea, "It's nothing."

"Bullshit." Minato barked out, which surprised Kagome enough to look back up at him with wide eyes. Minato had never sworn before, at least not around her, "I'll let you go on your bedroom strike as long as you feel like you need to. I've learned enough about you by now to know there is more to the room than me just buying you things. However, I'll let you keep that to yourself unless you feel like telling me. I'll always listen to whatever you have to say.

"What I won't tolerate is you keeping something like this to yourself. You are obviously scared of something. If you are worrying about something that makes you this jumpy, then it is most likely something big. You don't strike me as a girl who gets frightened over the small things. It is my job to protect you, both physically and mentally. I can't do that if you keep shutting me out! So, I'll ask again. What's wrong?" Minato lectured.

Kagome stared at him with wide eyes, her mouth opening and closing uselessly. His aura was practically screaming his sincerity. Her grip tightened on her teacup, "It's really nothing Minato-san." She managed to get out, "I don't want to bother you with it."

"Tell me anyway," Minato answered earnestly.

Kagome let out a small sigh and looked out the nearby window. She hesitated for a moment before deciding, what the hell may as well. It could possibly affect him in the future as well, "During my meeting with Hokage-sama yesterday he brought up the possibility that Midoriko might come back to finish what she started. I guess I hadn't thought about it even being an option. I was hoping that she was gone for good, but there is a chance she could come after me again." Kagome admitted quietly.

Minato started at her seriously, his lips pulling into a slight frown, "You should know by now that I won't let anything happen to you. If somebody comes after you, they'll have to get through me first. I wasn't promoted to Jonin so young for anything you know. Just watching me practice by myself doesn't show much of my skills, but I am pretty tough." He tried to soothe her fears. He should have realized that her fear of the person that almost succeeded in killing her would come back sooner or later. She just always put on a cheerful façade that he sometimes forgot that she just lost everything not too long ago. Of course, she would still have some fears and pain, that she obviously wasn't showing him.

A pained look appeared in Kagome's eyes as she remembered Inuyasha trying to save her only to pass right through the dead priestess. If her assumptions were right, only those with spiritual powers could interact with Midoriko. She didn't think chakra would count, so the only person that would be able to fight her off would be Kagome herself. Would she be powerful enough to beak Midoriko herself though? A sad sigh escaped her before she could stop it, "You may not have a chance to help though." She said without really thinking.

Before Minato would answer her a knock on the front door interrupted them. He had to fight back a growl of frustration, just when he was actually getting somewhere! He stood up to go answer the door.

Kagome stretched her senses out of curiosity and realized she recognized the aura on the other side of the door. She hadn't met many people the past couple weeks, and he was rather unique anyway. She quietly followed Minato to the door.

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