Samuel Kohler

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His powers are good, and I just have my same nit-picky comment about languages going under strengths, but that's ok.

Strengths: Poetry, painting, exorcisms, housework

Weaknesses: Squeamish, overexerts a lot, he forgets how tall he actually is which results in a lot of head injuries, has a small appetite

I like his weaknesses more than his strengths, which sounds bad, but isn't. I think it just shows how much character he has.

Friends: None yet.Enemies: None yet.Is Avril his friend? Are any of the Delacroix's his friend?

Fears: Arachnophobia, he once climbed a couch when Avril held up a Halloween deco version.

Is there a reason for this fear?

Aspirations: To tell Avril how he feels, and support Avril

Aww, I love their relationship.

Looks: Samuel is described as a good-looking man "in a sort of slice-of-life way". He has messy Venetian blond hair, fair skin and soft lapis blue eyes.

I was kind of expecting more, only because Avril was detailed, so if I were to give any advice, it would be to put in more detail.

Height: 6'6"

Weight: 186 lbs. (Using MMA fighter Kendall Grove as a reference)

Distinguishing features: His height, Avril's head only reaches the area where his diaphragm is. Like other guardians, he's covered in protective tattoos.

His looks are fine, I have no complaints

Clothing: Samuel has not set style, as he focuses more on finding clothes that fit him, so he often just wears a plain shirt and jeans. When he gets married his wife takes his old shirts to convert into dresses for herself and makes him new shirts and pants from cloth she buys.

I actually really like this. Not every Oc needs a specific style. I also love how Avril takes his shirts and uses them for herself. That's cute.

Accessories: Keeps a silver hunting knife strapped to his upper thigh.

Sweet, I recently cut myself on my twin brothers switchblade and this reminded me of that.

Physical Illnesses: N/A

Mental Illnesses: N/A

Very good

Family: Dr. Prinz (Mother), and Mr. Kohler (Father). Samuel gets along fine with his father, they butt heads every once in awhile but they usually make up. Samuel misses his mother and tries to either call her or write letters to her, Dr. Prinz misses her son also, often sending Austrian snacks to him and his siblings.Eleonore Kohler (Step-mother). Samuel gets along with his step-mother, despite the awkwardness of her being younger than him.14 siblings (8 full-blooded, 6 half-siblings). As Samuel is the oldest it makes him in charge and luckily his siblings listen without him having to yell.

I like his family dynamic. There's no abuse or anything like that it makes the character more likeable, at least in my opinion.

Backstory: Samuel Kohler is the oldest child of Dr. Prinz and Mr. Kohler, being born on June 23 1975, in Vienna, Austria. Dr. Prinz and Mr. Kohler were married when they had Samuel and his first 8 siblings, two sets of triplets and a pair of twins. His parents divorced due to Dr. Prinz being fed-up with the guardian lifestyle.Samuel grew up as normally as possible for a guardian-in-training, going to school while caring for his siblings. Mr. Kohler, in the meanwhile, fathered 5 more children with various women, and obtained custody them due to his guardian status. Samuel continued to live with his father and siblings, due to not wanting to be transferred faraway from his family, even after he began freelance art.When Samuel was 35, his father finally remarried, to the 30-year-old Eleonore. Once married, the whole family was transferred to Blackmore, Washington. There he first encounters Avril Delacroix, after she kicked him in the groin for making her drop the last slice of tiramisu cheesecake.

I like his backstory. His dad was...busy...that's all I can really say on that lol. I like how he doesn't hate his step-mother. I feel like a lot of Oc creators make the step-mother so mean when she doesn't have to be. His first encounter with Avril is alos pretty comical.

Extra: If Guardians marry other Guardians (in the case of a heterosexual marriage) that husband will take the wife's last name if she has less siblings than her husband. Since Samuel has 14 siblings compared to Avril's 4 brothers, it means that if Avril and Samuel were to get married Samuel would have to take Avril's last name. It's supposed to help continue lineages.

I kind of get it. I had to read it a couple of times, but I get it. It's unique and cool.

Inspiration: My English teacher, he's this really tall guy, and whenever I hug him, it's either I stand on my tip-toes and he can stand with stability or I can stand flat on my feet and he can topple over. Which is why I decided to Samuel such a tall guy.Also I was watching a video on how German-speaking people pronounce names such as Samuel and Michael, and I thought that the German pronunciation for Samuel was cool, so I made Samuel an Austrian-born guardian.

His inspiration is fine, and basing names on languages is a good way to come up with unique names.


And that's Samuel Kohler. He is a very good Oc with a lot of character. Thank you so much @Bokukkokhmer for both of these wonderful characters. It really shows how much thought you put into these characters and their relationship, you should be so proud. I love them so much, and I had a lot of fun reviewing them. That's that Space Cats <3

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