Facts and Fiction

Start from the beginning

“Thanks love.” He winked and walked through. The first floor really had nothing to it so he headed up the stairs to the second level. He walked all up and down the aisles and did not Dy anywhere. He walked out and went up the next flight of stairs. There in front of the doors read a large sign “Silent Library”. He shook his head whispering, “Of course”

He opened the door and dead ahead she was sitting enthralled in a book, resting her

elbow on the desk, pulling the one side of her head that actually hair back. As he made his way towards her she made no indication she heard or saw him walking over so he decided to take advantage of it. When he reached her he leaned over and whispered. “You would choose the silent section.”

She jumped out of her skin and ripped out her headphone that had been dangling in the other ear. He let out a loud chuckle, which caused people to turn and stare. He silently apologized to the people staring. They quickly made their way back to what they had been doing and he focused on Dy.

He grabbed the book she had been reading, “Let My People Go Surfing? Sounds interesting… but not much like a business book”

She quickly grabbed the book back from him marking her spot, and looked up at him, “Actually it is. He is a huge sportswear designer who has created a worldwide brand. Patagonia…ever heard of it?” She placed it next to her computer and then looked back up at him, “You gonna sit down?”

He grabbed the chair next to her quickly and sat facing her, “Are we allowed to talk here?”

“As long as you keep it to a whisper. I chose this place so we wouldn’t be interrupted. I guess you should start explaining.” She turned to face him. Ready and waiting for him to tell a long-winded story.

“There is not much to tell. You kind of got the gist of what we experience everyday.”

She said nothing, reached for her backpack, and grabbed something. She tossed it on the table in front of him. A huge photo of her about to kiss him and then an insert photo of her sitting on Louis lap was sprawled all over the cover of the tabloid magazine.

The headline read: New girl set to tear 1D apart.

He looked up at her and she nudged, “Go to page 6. That’s where it guts really interesting.”

He turned and began to read:

            Mystery girl seemed to cozy up with Harry and people seemed to breath a sigh of relief for the cougar-chasing heartthrob. He actually seemed happy. That lasted all of five minutes. That’s when we caught Louis come out cuddle up with the SAME girl! She seemed to be cozy with him as well. Where was Eleanor? Are her and Louis on the breakup path? Could this girl be tearing One Direction apart?

“Shit. Shit Dy. I am sorry. I swear I did not want any of this to happen. I thought they would see us become friends not make you a bad guy…well, girl, well, woman…you know what I mean.”

“Being the PhD case study enthusiast I decided to do my research. And you seem to have an interesting history. Lost X-factor but have become bigger than most of the other acts combined, live the crazy celebrity life, planning a US tour, but nothing confirms the fact that you and Louis are partners. I mean there were photos, and some crazy fan base of ‘Larry Stylinson’ but nothing official. And then you tell me Louis has a girlfriend! I am so lost!”

He looked at her and putting everything she said together he spoke, “ Wait… You thought…you thought I was…Gay?” Her face became bright red and she tried to hide her reaction, “Are you serious?”

“How would I think otherwise? After walking into that shop, giving me fashion advice, calling Louis your partner and saying what a great guy he was and how he has been your handle on your whole ‘situation’ I assumed that mean he was a significant other.”

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