chapter 12 | Confessing

Start from the beginning

You exhale sharply at the sight of the text received and lay your hand on your chest. Your smile grew on your face without you knowing it.

[ Stop making my heart melt... >

< Okay I stop ]

< But just because I have to order our food ]

[ -_- >

You put your phone down on your lap and try having Jungkook in view through the glass door. Lucky you, his figure is discernable among the other people, you easily recognize him from any angle.

You quickly send him a text once you see him walking back to the door but checking his phone.

[ Hurry to come back cute man >

You look up on your right to see his face. Your heart makes a backflip once you notice this man smiling widely at the sight of your message, he bites his lips but stops for a second to type onto his screen. A second later, you receive a text but keep your eyes on the man walking back to you. He steps out of the building and instantly puts his attention on you, a grin forms on his face once your eyes meet but he glances down in a shy way while heading back to his driver's seat.

You check the message he wrote while he's joining you.

< I'm coming back my cute girl ]

You grin like an idiot in front of your screen but lock it, to put your phone into your shoulder bag and get your attention on the man who sat comfortably on his seat. He holds the plastic bag bursting at the seams, with one of his veiny hands and puts his seatbelt on, making you do the same.

"Are you going to keep the food on your lap while driving?" you break the silence, offering him to take the plastic bag on your leg. "Yes, I don't want to bother you with this and it's hot so that warms me up," he smiles but turns the ignition on. "Are you cold?"

"Yeah..." he licks his lips with a little curve at the corner of them to show some cute shyness. "I need something to warm me up."

"I wouldn't mind giving you a hug but I don't want to get rejected like a ridiculous idiot."

"Do you really think I would reject you if you give me a hug?" he raises his eyebrows, staring at you with a soft look. You both get into eye contact, smiling like you always do when you gaze at each other. "I don't know..."

"Getting a hug from you is like a dream for me," he glances away with an adorable smile and starts driving towards the place that he's keeping secret. "Stop exaggerating Jungkook, my hugs are nothing compared to the ones you'll get from your special someone."

"And what if that special someone is you...?"

Your eyes slightly widen, your heart stopping its beating. You keep your eyes fixed on him while he's driving. "Me?" you act dumb, pretending to not have understood his sentence.

"Yeah...but whatever..." he avoids the topic, creating some awkwardness in the small space you're in by trying not to talk about it. You let it pass without trying to speak more and risk to maybe make him feel uncomfortable.

20 minutes later...

After some minutes of quietness, you finally arrive at the place. It's dark with a lot of vegetation but no house or anything like that. If you were not with Jungkook, you would feel totally scared but since it's him, you know you're safe.

"Do you want to stay in the car or get closer to the edge of the mountain?" he unfastens his seatbelt. "It's beautiful to see the lights of the city from there but...I don't want you to be scared..."

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