chapter 4 | Baby boy

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[ Hey Jungkook... Are you mad at me? >

You put your phone back on the flat surface but see from the corner of your eyes, your best friend coming up to you to end on the seat by your side. "Ya..! Why didn't you wait for me you bad girl?!"

"I just wanted to make sure I would get one table for me," you use as a pretext to not tell him the truth. A sigh leaves his mouth with frustration but he looks away and starts eating the food he bought. He hasn't stopped making a fuss about his stomach growling since you came here so you're not even surprised that he's digging in without waiting.

While you were slowly enjoying the sandwich you took for your lunch, you noticed your screen lighting up and felt the vibration onto the table. You immediately dropped the snack you were holding, knowing that the text you received is from the man that you've been waiting a message from.

< I ask you the question back... ]

[ Why? What would be the reason for me to be mad at you? >

< Your brother and the bullshit he said this morning. ]

[ Just forget it and ignore him. I don't care about what he says. >

< Yeah... ]

You give up on trying to reassure him about this small issue and put your phone back on the table to eat with your best friend stuffing his big mouth and chewing loudly like a pig. 'He's not my friend for no reason' you scoff at the sight you have on the cute boy.

"Are you in love with him?" he voices out of the blue but causes you to choke on your food as you didn't expect this kind of question. "," you gulp down with disquietude and avoid any eye contact that could worsen your state. You bite into the bread filled with salad and chicken. "No?" he shows some skepticism about your answer and leans closer to your shapes. "Are you sure about that? After what you said this morning I can't trust you."

"What you heard coming out of my mouth this morning was just an answer I used to shoot it back at my brother's face and make him shut it for good."

"So...." he smirks with a drop of sauce on the corners of his lips, which you noticed but don't say it just to make him look stupid. "You didn't think just a word?"

You turn your head into his direction for your eyes to exchange gazes but only send him some hate. "No. I didn't."

"Okay then..." his smug smile drifts away from your own space as he moved back, and you leave him with the sauce on his face like a dumbass.


7 pm.

You walk inside your shared house with the lazy man holding your hand. You push the door and in a quiet manner to not wake up the other boys, you step inside as the sound of the TV caught your attention. You have your usual routine and take your shoes off before hanging your jacket on the coat rack. 

"Who's still awake...?" Mihyan whispers through the space, brushing his hand past your lower back to join the living room. You grab hold of your phone that you left into your bag but follow his steps closely, to take a look at the person who must be watching TV.

As soon as your feet enter the living room you cannot hold back your low voice. "Aww," you smile but hit Mihyan's arm as the cuteness you're witnessing is filling you with softness. "Look how adorable he is...!"

"It's just Jungkook sleeping..." he rolls his eyes, feeling some jealousy to see you so heart melted from looking at him. "Yes but he's cute as hell," your heart races just at the sight of the man lied down on his side in a fetal position, his lips parted and one arm underneath his head. "Anyway. I have to go to bed," he turns around, ignoring the kind things you said about his friend. "I love you, goodnight my baby," he presses his lips on your cheek as his hand sent shivers down your spine with the caress he gave to your hips. You respond with the same nice words and give him a kiss back.

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