chapter 5 | Jealousy

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5 pm.

You come back from your bedroom after taking a shower and getting into a pair of shorts with your favorite tank top, the one that you cannot live without during these summer days, not wearing any bra to feel more comfortable and knowing that Jungkook never said something about it. You hurry to get a bottle of water in the kitchen and then join Jungkook on the couch, who is checking the configurations and else of your new laptop.

You're both alone since Namjoon and Jimin are still working while Mihyan is taking a rest in his bed.

You land your bottom on the spot right next to Jungkook and lean over him to rest your head on his shoulder. His long and slender fingers that you like tapping against the keyboard or sliding along the touchpad.

"You smell good," he speaks in a soft voice, letting what sounds like some giggles pass through his breath. You look at him with a smile, setting you in an eye contact. "Does that mean I usually don't?"

"That's not what I meant," he laughs with sweetness. "You always smell good but I just love the fresh scent of fruits you have with your shower gel."

"Well, thank you but you smell good even when you don't take a shower."

"I'm born fresh," he smirks without even feeling awkward about what he just said. You don't hold back from laughing and drop your head on his shoulder. "You're unbelievable..."

You try to stop laughing and take a look at the screen to see what he's doing, while he's typing and taking care of the files he needs to transfer from your old laptop to your new one. Now thinking about this and all the other items he bought for you, you move your head up and kiss him on the cheek without any warning. Your arms encircle his body and you press your curves against the side of his body. "Thank you for all the things you bought for me."

He bites his lips as a beam appeared on his face, but doesn't make any eye contact with you. "No need to..."

"Are you blushing?" you tease him and tilt your head to the right to make sure he is seeing you in full sight. Just because of the way you pointed it out, the tint of his face is even brighter. He gulps down as your chest brushed past his arm. "I'm not...I just....I'm hot..." his breathing turns heavy and fast as you realized your curves are making him feel nervous. To be convinced that this is indeed your breasts provoking that much to him, you discreetly rub your curves against him as if you were just leaning to the right to see more of his face. "You're hot?"

"Y—Yeah...I..." he scratches the back of his neck at the craziness you're causing to his mind with the way your feminine shapes are touching him heavily. "I need to pee," he puts the laptop away from his lap to place it on the couch and stand up in a fast movement, to walk to the bathroom with extreme stress.

The excuse he always uses whenever some parts of your body are in contact with his. He always says that he needs to pee, at the exact same moment that he's turning red due to the fact that your breast or backside is touching him or worse when your hand is on his body. You're not innocent anymore so you know what this means.

Now you know your brother was maybe right about what that man could have done.

You still ignore it and lie down on your flat to go check the laptop. This device is so performant and amazing that you would not even be able to thank him enough.

Your stomach suddenly shouts his hunger out while you were silently enjoying your time on your new device. You decide to stand up and walk to the fridge, seeking for something to eat and not starve till dinner time when your brother will come back with the food. Since nothing seems to be interesting you, you check what there is inside of the freezer and quickly make your choice. A cherry popsicle, no matter the fact that this won't help you with your hunger.

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