chapter 10 | Aching heart

Start from the beginning

"Are you going to work till 6 pm as well today?" Namjoon asks me as I could feel the awkward silence weighing in the atmosphere. I move my eyes to take a look at him and answer with a "Yes", but instantly get attracted by the female figure. Damn...What I wouldn't give just to spend a whole day in her arms to cuddle and kiss nonstop...Unfortunately, that only happens in my head or dreams.

"Okay, don't be late when you come back. Your girl is going to miss you a lo—" he gets cut off by a powerful hit in the arm coming from the adorable woman by his side. "Shut the hell up Kim Namjoon," she threatens him, using her low voice in the cutest way ever.  "Understood what she told you?" I smile but walk closer to them as I noticed a certain nervousness in y/n's body. "Shut up when she tells you to, alright?"

"Or else what?" he smirks at me, not having in mind what I could do to his face if he ever dares to annoy her. "She will tell me that you didn't listen to her and I'll come make you regret it for not obeying to my girl."

"Wow. Kinky," his eyebrows wiggle as he glances away with his usual dirty look. I roll my eyes at this real nasty man but bend over y/n who turned red, to place my hand over her hot cheek and peck her forehead. "I love you, see you later and don't forget to eat more today," I gaze into her eyes through which I can discern astonishing dilated pupils, to let my desire take over and kiss her neck, before backing off. "I love you too..."

"I'm pretty sure you both are a couple but just hiding it to all of us," Namjoon who couldn't shut his mouth and mind his own business lays his eyes on us. We both ignore him and just keep our eye contact going as her smile made me melt to the ground. I chuckle nervously as I couldn't help passing my hand through my hair, to walk back to the front door and get ready to leave. "Alright, I'm invisible now," the annoying guy still complains. I put my shoes on then grab hold of my bag and car keys, to open the door and take a last look at my baby blushing on the couch. "I love you, and text me when you want or need to talk."

She nodded with a shy curve of her luscious lips, making me close the door and go out, no matter how much I would want to stay there and hold her into my arms.


8 pm.

I come back from work after being stuck at the office by my damn boss for longer than planned. I make fast to take my shoes and coat off and just drop my bag in my way towards the kitchen, to let it land on one of the stool. I missed y/n so much and feel terribly guilty for not having the time to see her a bit more today. She's surely already sleeping.

"Nam," I turn around from the fridge after grabbing a small bottle of Coke. "Yeah?" he answers with his eyes on the TV that all the guys are watching. "Do you know if y/n is sleeping right now?"

"No I don't think she is, we haven't seen her leave her bedroom just once today..."

"What?!" my worry fills me at the speed of light. "Are you telling me she stayed in her room all alone for all those hours without having one of you to check on her?!"

"Well...she's on her period..." he acts as if everything was alright, looking at me with his dumb face that makes me go even more mad. "I didn't want her to jump at my throat for no reason so I preferred to know she's cool..."

"You fucking bunch of cunts!" I close my bottle and head towards y/n's bedroom, fearing that she could have been in pain for hours without telling anyone. I know her way too much and I'm sure she would just try to deal with it on her own.

I knock on her door, kindly, in case she could be sleeping peacefully and not struggle with any sort of bad things. However, the fact that I cannot hear any answers coming from her worries me to the most. I know I shouldn't be doing this but I want to make sure she's doing okay.

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