Chapter Four: The Magical Flower

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"Madricia!" Madricia's  friend  calls her name as she is wondering through a cloudy and a  dark forest, "Where are you?" I'm starting to get really worried and I have no idea where I'm going." "Corsolana!" Madricia yells as she is wandering along the path to find Corsolana, Corsolana speaks from a different part of the forest. "Madricia I'm in a different part of the forest and it's way far from where you are at, so you will have to keep looking for me and I'll have to keep looking for you." "I won't give up Madricia I will find you and We can find the flower you're parents keep talking about." "Yeah good idea I might be able to conjure up a spell to help us." Corsolana says as she starts to initiate the spell "Tee la  culus mezarah ."  All of a sudden Corsolana disappears and then reappears and is next to Madricia in a matter of seconds. "Woah Corsolana that was one of the most cool spells I've seen you do, I'm super impressed." "Thanks Madricia it's all in the wand."

"Yeah take it up high five girl give me a high five." Corsolana slaps Madricia's hand giving her a great high five.
"Girl's I think the flower is a yellow tulip, and it has glitter on it that's a type of silver, and me being a troll I would know."Jacob says and does a bow and the girls start laughing.   "I believe Yeah that's good to know let's start looking soon before it gets dark."Madricia says gesturing to Corsolana with her hand pointing with her finger at the sky as the sun is starting to set. "I see a bunch of roses and lilies with a bunch of shine to them so far no tulips." "Yeah We'll just have to keep looking thanks for you're support Corsolana!" "Anytime Madricia!"  Madricia and Corsolana start walking around the woods and looking for the flower and they come across other types.   "Do you see any orchids yet Madricia?" "No Corsolana all I see other than lilies and roses like We said before is daffodils, and sunflowers and that's about it."  Madricia and Corsolana talk in unison about and accidentally jinx and say "Jacob have you seen the yellow lily with glitter by chance so far either?" "No I have seen the other flowers like you said Madricia and Corsolana you seemed to see that as well correct?" "Yes I did, but still no sign of the tulip yet." Makes sense and they all laugh about the jinx. Madricia and Corsolana keep walking until they come to a river where the water is clear and a beautiful blue. "Oh my gosh Madricia this water is so clean and it's so peaceful here I could just spend hours in nature the sun is shining the birds are chirping." "I know right it's so nice and beautiful let's keep looking for the yellow tulip because we need to find it I heard it might be able to help heal people in different ways." "Really?" "Yeah honestly it's cool I think it's got some power and it could possibly heal people and We could use our power along with it to help other people!" "Yeah Oh my gosh I had no idea Madricia that Jacob had power's that's freakin cool and he's super talented and nice." "Agreed."Jacob  starts blushing and his cheeks turn a rosy pink "Awe shucks that makes me blush, I appreciate that girl's." "You're welcome." Madricia says, and next Corsolana says "Yes agreed." (Back Story Flash back.) There is a troll sitting underneath a bridge with rocks and pebbles and is fishing in the creek and waiting to catch some fish He Catch's some eats them and put them's for later to cook and climbs up a tree. . "Hey you girl's leave my area this is my territory," He says pointing down from the tree motioning towards Corsolana and Madricia Corsolana and Madricia walk away to an area and Madricia says
"Corsolana come over here with me and duck behind this bush and I'll do an invisibility spell that will make it so Jacob can't see us while we are trying to figure out a solution." Madricia says whispering in Corsolana's ear, Corsolana and Madricia walk a couple of feet away from the river and duck behind a green bush and Madricia gets her golden flower wand   out and says "Berozah Salatza." Corsolana and Madricia vanish are and are not seen.  "Where did those girl's go?" Jacob the troll slides down the tree and starts walking around and is near the river and looks behind each bush and in every bush he also reaches his hand in a fire thorn shrub and doesn't realize there's thorns "Ow!"  "How did I not know there were thorn's in this shrub?"  Madricia and Corsolana quietly start laughing.   Braisant keeps walking and doesn't look where he is going  and trips over a tree root and falls down.  Braisant start's wandering off into the dark and unknown forest and he is like "where am I going?" he bumps into a tree and is like "I didn't see that tree there oh wait yes I did." he keeps walking through the forest until he is lost.
Once Madricia and Corsolana know that Jacob is no longer where they are at, Corsolana does the spell to make it so her and Madricia aren't invisible anymore Corsolana says "Hoowilla Meekra." Now they are no longer invisible and they keep looking for the tulip. Jacob starts running  after them towards the river and starts yelling "Hey guys, I know where the yellow tuli..." All of a sudden out of nowhere without looking where he was going Jacob falls into the river and starts drowning because he doesn't know how to swim. Madricia and Corsolana are talking down by the river bank and Jacob throws up his arms and signals to them that he is drowning and Madricia says "Oh no Corsolana We need to do something he is drowning, I don't want him to die." "Yeah me either We better do a spell and jump in and save him." Madricia says "Itzion Kekron." and  Corsolana says the same thing and they form an air bubble that makes it so they can dive to the bottom of the river because Jacob sinks to the bottom of the river and they jump in and with the air bubble they swim to the very bottom of the river and pull him up onto the edge of the river bank and do CPR and he coughs up water. "Oh my gosh what happened?" Braisant says looking around after opening his eyes and wondering where he is at and what is going on "You almost drowned so me and Madricia had to save you with one of our spells." "Yeah so we are so glad you are alright!" "Yeah I agree that was scary."  "Thanks for saving me,"

"Yeah all I remember was running fast to try to catch up to you guys and then slipping and falling because I didn't see where I was going."Jacob points to the river with one of his fingers as he is talking. "So was there something you needed to tell me and madricia?" Jacob gets up and starts walking around in the direction of the woods and puts his hands up to stretch so he can get a little exercise after sitting in the same spot for a longer period of time. Jacob turns his head in the direction of Madricia and Corsolana and speaks "yes I was trying to explain to you guys about the lost yellow tulip." "oh my gosh corsolana we have been looking all over for the yellow tulip!" Madricia and Corsolana start doing a happy dance and keep trying to contain the state of emotions they are in because they are overjoyed. Jacob gesture's to where they should be going and they walk over a bridge to where there is this dark cave and there are spider webs and spider's and glow worms as they are walking into the cave.  "Oh my gosh Madricia look at the glow worms they are so cool!" "I know right they are so colorful." "Yeah I've been to this cave before and there are numbers of different species of glow worms in here rainbow,  and there are ones that suck and so on."
They keep walking through the cave and gasp at all the other different types of glow worms there are some triangular shaped worms, and circle shaped worms, also there is circular shaped ones that are neon yellow, neon orange, and also neon blue. They also see silk worms, and the silk worms have powers that they have to be careful of. "Just so you guys know those worms are poisonous and could kill you if you were to touch them so avoid them as much as possible." "What makes them dangerous per say?" "Good question Madricia it's something to do with their skin and it's the texture also that makes them poisonous to the touch as well so just be aware."
"Yeah thanks so much, I will keep that in mind safety is the number one priority here." Madricia and Corsolana keep walking and come to a fork in the cave. They unfortunately don't find anything and decide to go make home. They bid good bye to braisant after making a good friend and promise to say in touch "Bye Madricia, Bye Corsolana, let's stay in touch and keep talking and hanging out." "I think that's a great idea, what do you think Madric?" "I think that sounds splendid." They all wave good bye and go home. (End of Flash back, back to present moment.) "Jacob let's go look in that cave later on," like we did before." "Yeah I agree I think we should because honestly the flower could be in there, I don't think it is but you never know." Braisant says nodding his head, "Corsolana what do you think?" "I I think that is definitely something that is very realistic and sounds like a good plan." They head back to the cave and searching for a little while find nothing and find out the flower in no where about a of the cave. They see worms and Jacob and Madricia and Corsolana decide to take some of the the non poisonous glow worms as pets back home to keep them as pets. Thanks for reading my book xoxo Marissa Olsen

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