Chapter 19: Looking for the wish bone

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Madricia and her friends are on their way to find the wishing bone now that they have the crown, They are now on the ship and headed to Wish Bone Island, Luke and Madricia are cuddling on board and so are Candy and Gheur, Corsolana is watching on board for land hoe. "Maties I see land hoe!" She is wearing a pink pirate patch, over her eye and they all get in a circle after Madricia Luke are done cuddling same with candy and gheur. "Ok guys we are here and looking for the wish bone and we should be able to find it." Pirate Brady says with his parrot Rant. "Rant yes sir."
Brady docks the ship with the magical anchor it talks and says "what do you want me to do?" The anchor says singing Brady gets out his wand and does a circular motion and spins it and starts singing with the spell "Please dock for us to stay temporarily and then leave and go away." The anchor docks and after that they head toward the shore where they see the squeaky beach and when they step on it squeaks like a mouse. They keep going in toward the jungle where they see lots of exotic birds of every color, red, blue, yellow and purple.  They see a man with long white hair and a beard playing a clarinet and he is guarding the wish bone with his powers and a shield. "Hello welcome to my island." He says in a Jamaican accent, my name is Serling benovan."  "What do we do to get past you and get the wish bone?" Madricia's asks, "Complete a spell and some riddles among you're quest and than you can get the wish bone." "Ok we are up for the challenge right guys?" Everyone nods their heads. "Ok the first quest is looking for the diamond stone." "I'm not going to say where it is located since you will be looking for it." "Well obviously." Corsolana says everyone starts laughing. They decide to trek back down to the jungle and start swinging through the trees after doing a levitating spell. Madricia says "Wozo Kaila."  And they are up in the trees. They start swinging through the tree's. They draw vines with their stylus made out of twigs, Madricia gets out her twig stylus and draws a line and and vines and they come to life, "hey I'm viney and this is blimey." They hang on to the vines and swing across the jungle and see a diamond stone sitting in a nest on one of the trees. Where there is a mama bird and her babies. The mother has gathered twigs, seeds, and berries for her young. They go over and the mother flies and moves the nest to a nearby tree. They grab the stone and head towards the ship and head towards the school

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