Chapter 6: The Jungle

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Madricia, Jacob, and Corsolana, are wandering through a huge jungle a spider is crawling around and they get spooked but then realize he is a very nice spider "Hi my name is Harry, I'm yellow and I won't hurt you can I help you with my web's?" "Uh," "Madricia it's ok, we should be careful though but he seems nice." "Yeah I agree." Madricia concurs nodding her head Jacob agree's nodding his head too. They keep walking as Harry uses's his legs and body to create web's that spread across them like shields from potiential predator's and some of them get caught and then run away.  "I cannot believe guys that a tiger just tried to attack us." "I know Jacob, that was just like unbelievable, but it's still not his fault." "Yes, they don't know any better they are like children." Madricia says laughing, they all laugh in unison. "I love you guys you mean a lot to me," Jacob says sighing They all gather in for a group hug. "Hit me up high!" Madricia says Corsolona kicks a rock. "Corsolana I meant give me a high five." "Ok," She gives her a nice big high five.
They all burst into giggles, Jacob starts walking and talking as he goes with a skip in his step. "Lalala La La."  "Jacob quit goofing off," Madricia says smirking while holding back a laugh as she starts to skip along as well and laugh's with a skip in her skip. Corsolana joins too, and starts being happy and giggles a lot too.  "Yes this is a lot of fun, and I know I'm quite the goofball." Jacob says  while implying that he appreciates their company.  He starts to keep going and next stops skipping, and gasp's. "Oh my gosh Jacob what is going on?" "I just saw this waterfall," "Yeah it looks like there is rainbows over it and a narwhal is in front of it and there is nymph's and it looks like there are different type's." "Yeah Madric, one of them is shape shifting metal," and fire as well that's so incredulous." "Yeah We are metal shifter's." Miki says, Beau agrees and "I love my wife, and my children." "Yes my name is Rosie, and I love making metal," Rosie starts making metal Oakley does too, and James, and juniper." "Oh my gosh how cool is this Corsolana?" "It's really neat Madric," "I mean how is this possible?" "I think anything you put you're mind to is Cors, as long as you try you're best and believe in you're self." "Yeah true I'll admit that." Corsolana and Madricia start
clapping in appreciation., Jacob does as well. And then they stop and keep going and there, and Miki and them follow. "Do you mmmind if we come with?" A small squeaky voice whispers, It's their son James and he is acting very shy and slowly walks away and then goes next to his family. "Yes my son is somewhat shy at first, just like our kids Rosie, and Oakley, and Juniper." and me and Beau we value trust and honesty." "Yes we do and we love each other." They use metal shape shifting and pull out stick wands. "Oh my gosh you guys are fast learners and so talented." Madricia agree's laughing heartedly "yes they are and that should not go to waste and does not."  "So Madric?" "Yeah Cors, what's up?" "I'm just curious about something?" "Oh ok what is it?" "So what's the deal with you and Luke?" Madricia starts blushing and turns her head away for a minute. "Well honestly I care about him, and he matters to me and he is cute and we are just friends but in the future you never know." "Yeah and Cors, you like Aidan?" She blushes and turns away.  "Yes I do, and he is just a friend as well right now."   "We should all three go on a double date, Jacob if you want you could go with one of my friends Shay."  "Uh yeah she seems nice and cute." "Yeah I think Jacob is a great guy." Shay says emerging from the water  "Yeah now who wants to keep wandering and going on more adventure's?" They all are like yes and they all sit around in a circle and rotate doing high fives. "Let's keep doing what we are doing, and searching and doing team work and not give up." Jacob uses's his wand that is a separate golden brass intermixed and starts to sprout grass and they climb all around it and puddles of rain drops and he says a spell "Hiraza spello" Corsolana and The Brewster and Madricia all say in unison with their golden brass wands. They keep going and keep bouncing on and off plants. On to the next time XoXo Marissa Olsen

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