Chapter Five: Finally finding the yellow tulip

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"Ok Madricia which way should we take?" "Corsolana I don't really know this cave and I'm not as familiar with the area as Jacob here I appreciate you asking me and that was very courteous of you I think though that this is a question for him." They have just stopped with the two different fork's in the road in the cave and there is one fork going to the left and one fork going to the right and the cave is also dimly light with small shape shifting and changing lantern's, that are purple and red lanterns that glow. They all grab hands and get together in a circle and say
" ASREAH." They all get out floating wands and they are in the mid air with the spell lanterns and lights so they can see where they are going. "Madricia thanks for asking it will be the left fork that is the direction we need to go in so we can find the yellow tulip." They start walking down the left fork in the direction braisant just told them and come to a beautiful silver and blue and purple waterfall the water cascading down and there are fairies flying around and one of them is named Clara and she is wearing a pink dress and has yellow short hair and silver wings and glitter dust as she is flying she sees them walking through this part of the cave and she wave'ssignaling with her hand that she is trying to get their attention "Hey I'm Clara I can help you, while braisant can too and welcome to our humble home." Clara keeps flying around and then starts flying around in circles because she is happy and doing her wing and flying exercise's and is enjoying herself and starts laughing and spinning around and lands on the ground and starts dancing and then talks to Madricia and Corsolana and Jacob "Clara thanks for helping us and me and Madricia and Corsolana, we really appreciate it  now we need to keep searching for the yellow tulip."Jacob. suys while pointing his skinny finger to another area of the cave.  "Sure and you can Jacob so you will persevere in finding the yellow tulip I know you all will." All of a sudden a bright shiny flower is in the near distance glowing way beyond all the other flowers. They all scurry over there and walk as fast as their legs can carry them and Madricia uses a spell to grab the flower with corsolana and Braisant. "Madricia and Corsolana there is also a pocket watch and a locket we have to find."  Corsolana shrugs and is hesitant about what they are talking about. "Is something bothering you Corsolana?" "Yeah Madricia I'm just not sure what to think about the lockets if We can find them or not it just seems very complicated I don't think we should give up even though it is hard." "Yeah Corsolana don't listen to those voices in you're head we can do it even though the lockers, and the pocket watch's, and  the flower are difficult to find we can do it." "Yeah Madricia you're right I honestly just need to believe in myself." Corsolana gives Madricia a big hug and they start laughing and crying because they are happy and are incredibly grateful for their friendship with one another. They star walking more toward"s where they can locate the where about s of the yellow tulip. "Hey guys any luck on finding the tulip yet?"
"Clara we haven't yet, Madricia and Corsolana are such good friends and I'm so grateful that I can help them find this rare and beautiful flower so we can help so many different people." "Jacob you are seriously one of the few other true friends I have and I have the most sincere  utmost respect for you."   "Oh my gosh Madricia you are so sweet to say that to me because I could never have asked for such fantastic friends other than you and Corsolana"  "Yes I concur with Jacob Madric you have a heart of gold and you are literally there for anyone who needs a helping hand and you are super beautiful and free spirited."  Madricia makes eye contact while she is walking and look's back at Corsolana and Braisant and she speaks and what  she says next leaves them in awe. "You two are some of the most genuine people I have ever met in my entire life, and I'm so lucky to have you as some of my closest friends because you have my back no matter what the cost."
Jacob's jaw drops and he looks at Madricia and is very indebted to her for saying such a true thing about him and Corsolana. "Yes Madricia is one of the sweetest girl's out there!" "I have found one of the best friendships out there with her and I couldn't be who I am today without her." Madricia smiles and shows that by giving them a group hug. They keep going slow and taking their time to get to the floor because there is some things they have to go past and a couple different stops and twists and turns before they reach the yellow tulip.  Xoxo love Marissa Olsen

 The Forces Of The William's FamilyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora