Chapter 33: The Break up:

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Luke and Mako and Rako and Madricia decide to go on a double date to witch land fun for anyone dessert place and Funland. They have rode on their pets to the nice place and are excited to have some fun and catch up on things. They all are sitting at a table near the outskirts of the park. "Oh my gosh Madricia, you just had to pick witch land lol."Mako says giving Madricia a high five. "Yeah mako  I thought it would be fun to go on a double date here so we haven't been here before ha ha," she says returning the high five. "What can we do here anyway's?" Rako asks since he is pretty new to the area. "Well I personally have not been here before but it looks fun." Madricia says getting up and slowly walking over to the map that shows where to go and what to do. Luke follows her and looks at the map as well. Madricia doesn't see him and looks behind her and is scared. "Sorry Madric I didn't mean to scare you Luke says out of embarrassment and has turned his head the other way. "Oh it's ok, I know it was just an accident." Madricia says Rako and Mako get up and join Madricia and Luke. After Madricia has run her finger along the map and has seen there are different bullet points on the map of what rides they think look interesting she starts to ask everyone what they want to do. "Ok let's go sit down back at the table and we can decide what to do." They all head back to the table and sit down. Luke sits with mako, and Madricia sits with Rako. "So what should we do first?" "Games, rides, or get something witchy to eat?" Everyone laughs at the last line.  Rako raises his hand and speaks up first, "I personally think if everyone else is ok with this, we should eat something because I'm very hungry." "Ok everyone who agree's with Rako, say I." Madricia says "I." Rako says, "I." Luke says and "I." Mako says "I guess it's settled then we are going to go get some yummy food." They decide to go to Leela's magic cafe. They have to wait a little while for the wait to go inside soon a waitress takes them back to table number 45. She hands out menu's to everyone, and they all decide what they want to drink first. A waiter come's up and tell's him his name is Wercho and he has some magic tricks he would like to do for them. "Hello my name is wercho, and I would like to do some magic for you today." "Yes that would be wonderful." Madricia says "yes please." Rako and mako say and high five each other Luke says "sure why not?!" Wercho gets a straw wrapper puts water on it combines the two with his hands and a plastic straw snake named Vinny starts talking "hello you all nice to meet you." Everyone at the table claps "Ok now that that is done Vinny is my pet by the way," "yes I am his pet as of now." Vinny says slithering from the salt shaker on the table to the pepper shaker. "Ok now moving on what can I get you all to drink today?" Wercho asks getting out his pen and paper. Madrciia answers first, "I would love a sugar free lemonade if you guys have one, and a glass of water." "Ok sugar free lemonade and a glass of water." He says writing it down on the paper. "And for you?" He asks Rako "Oh I'll get a root beer and a water." "Ok." Luke goes next, "what can I get for you?" "A sprite and a water," "ok." "And for you miss?" "A sugar free lemonade as well  and a water." "Ok I'll be right back with those." Wercho says after copying down all the orders and going the kitchen in the back to get the drinks.
"Wow that was quite the little magic show he did!" Madricia says asking surprised by the way Wercho has done the little magic show for them. "I know the way he combined the straw and water like that," "that was crazy." Mako says reenacting what Wercho did with the water and the straw with her hands. Rako comments next, "Yeah that was so neat it was so cool."
Luke says something after Rako. "Yeah that was pretty awesome," Wercho comes back with the drinks and brings everyone their orders set's down the drinks and asks if everyone is ready to order. "What can I get you guys to order today?" Madricia again goes first "I would love the chicken salad with raspberry vinaigrette dressing." "Ok anything on the side?" "Yes tomato soup." "Ok." He says jotting it down. Rako orders next, "I will get the BLT with fries on the side." "Ok." Mako is next "I will get the Shrimp cocktail with a side salad." "Ok." Luke is next "I will get the chicken salad as well with tomato soup." "Ok I will be back shortly." Wercho says after taking the orders and taking their menu's out of the way. They talk for a while and soon Wercho has come back with all their food. After they finish eating they exit the restaurant and decide to go on some rides. They get in line for tickets and buy them. " How can I help you today?" The person who is helping them ask's her name is Drizzy "We would like to get 20 tickets for the rides." "Ok here you are." Madrcia pays and they each get some tickets for the rides. They go on the first ride called the underwater mermaid experience and of course they are in a submarine and there is mermaids they all get on and go underwater and after they are done they decide to ride a couple more rides and finish, They ride the ghoul's bicycle haunted way and are in carts where there is actual ghouls who pop out and haunt them. They decide to be done and save the rest of their tickets. Rako tell's Luke he has to talk to Madricia alone in his car. Once Rako and Madricia get to his broom."Madricia I have some unfortunate news I need to share with you" "what's up?" "I think we need to break up." "Yes I agree you are a great guy but I think we are better off as friends." "Yeah and you are a great girl no hard feelings?" "Nope." They shake hands and Madricia goes back to her own broom but before she takes off Luke comes over "Hey just wanted to tell you me and Mako broke up," "yeah so did me and Rako." "Want to go on a flight with me?" "Yes."

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