Chapter 38: Bubble's lead the way to the rose painted mirror

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There has been a big bubbles storm and lots of soap, and they are on their way to find the rose painted mirror. All of a sudden Madricia see's a trail with the bubbles leading to a grass and bamboo cottage where there is a a nature nymph guarding the mirror. "Welcome to my humble home," "there is some knowledge tests you will need to pass in order to get the mirror "ok sounds good." Madricia says The first question is "Who is the villain Leor?" "I know he possess's the thorn powers and..." "correct!" Next one is "Where is the crown that is spoken of?" Corsolana answers this one "I know it's somewhere in the sky." "Yes correct." "Third and final question." Luke decides to step in and answer this question. "What is the password for the mirror?" "I know I heard it somewhere before, is it 456889?" "Yes and here is the key and be careful because this mirror possesses power

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