Chapter 31: "Getting materials at nearby shop's for The Magic Rocket."

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The next morning Luke has set his alarm, and him and Rako which are dorm mates, get up and before they go Luke has something important he needs to get off his chest with Rako. "Rako I have something really important I need to get off my chest." He says pulling Rako aside. "What's up?" "It's just that..." "dude it's alright you can talk to me about anything." Luke slowly runs his hand through as his hair as he's talking appearing more nervous than normal. "Ok so you know Madricia?"  "Yeah?" "I really like her." "Oh ok, well today I was going to break up with her anyways's," "So don't tell her ok."  Luke puts his hand on Rako's shoulder, "I will support whatever decision you make with this Rako," "I will keep this between us." "Thank you." Rako says acting nervous as he's fidgeting with his wand. "Anytime bro, we better go." "Agreed Lukey" "ha ha very funny." Rako shrugs and laughs with Luke as they head towards Madricia and Corsolana's Dorm.
The girl's are inside having a girl to girl talk about boys. "Aidan just asked me out and I was wondering if you and Rako could come with us?" "Yes of course and we can help each other get ready!" They start jumping and are really happy! "Yeah and we can have a spa day after we shop for material before." "Yeah Corsolana we will need to get spa stuff after the materials though." "I actually have spa stuff here." Madricia says as she heads to the bathroom and pulls out her nail polish that is different nail colors made from special magical fruits that she has grown in her garden. She grabs one of her favorite strawberry scented nail polishes and brings it in to show Corsolana. "Oh my gosh Madric, you did not tell me you had nail polish how come it spells so good?" "It's got strawberry in it and magic gel." "The strawberry is from my magical fruit garden." "Oh my gosh that is so fun, I will need to come check it out sometime." "Yeah for sure," Madricia  says as she puts the nail polish back in her drawer. "Madricia?" "Yeah Cors?" Corsolana walks over to the area where Madricia is. She is sitting on her bed with flannel sheets and a a pretty cotton silk pillow case.  Corsolana sits down, "Do you still like have a thing for Rako?" "Honestly he's been a good boyfriend, but Corsolana please don't tell him I said this but he has some serious growing up to do." "Like can you give me an example Madricia?" Madricia throws her hands up in the air appearing upset to a certain extent. "Like for example we..." There is a knock at the door, "Who is here?" Madricia says asking as she peers through the peep hole. "Me and Rako." Luke says Madricia turns beet red, Corsolana just laughs and opens up the door, "Another classic Madricia moment." They all burst into laughter including Madricia. "Ok guys so me and Luke came because we were going to plan on going shopping for magic rocket materials." "Yeah that's what you texted me about." Luke says Madricia blushes and glances away after looking at him, Luke does as well. "Yeah Luke, that's right we were going to go to Mister Scheefa's potion and spells I grew up going shopping there for witch materials as a little girl." "Ok sounds good." "Sounds like a plan." Rako says Corsolana nods her head in agreement They head out the door ready for a shopping adventure.

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