Chapter 16: On their way to beaded figure island

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They headed towards the beach. "Ok guys we are on our way to beaded figure island and we need to figure out this puzzle." They start to looking around for puzzle pieces, and they see the puzzle pieces are right by each other. "Guys come with me, let's look for the other pieces, oh my gosh they are right here." Madricis says Madricia picks up one piece with a ship on it. Brady's helps carry the piece with Madricia, and they start laughing and having a good time.  "Oh my gosh, this is like only literally the second piece, that's why I'm laughing so hard Madric, it's so hard to carry and heavy." "Yeah don't blame you it is."  They find the piece with a ship on it,  and it is the third piece of the puzzle.  They find it and start to piece the puzzle together. The other pieces have pirate's on it drinking lemonade together.  They all start to switch places, and so they can piece the puzzle together faster. Kalani and Heinesta piece together the fourth piece and laugh together about it having pirates with lemonade on it. They piece it together with the other ones. They find the other ones and put them together. Gheur and Luke put the other pirates with lemonade on it. There are more pieces lots more, and they have dolphins on it swimming happily, and sharks and fish,  and other ocean animals.  They finish the puzzle all together and get back on the boat after going on the beach.  They stop by a another island the island of fun with roller coasters need witch tickets to get in. "Wry nateo." Kalani says and they all go through security which they use their powers to protect people at this amusement park. "Ok each of you say this spell with you're ticket and I will let you in." They each do at the admissions office, and get let in. "Ar what should we do first?" Brady asks "Where is you're parrot brady?" Madricia asks "He is with my sister Lady." "ok cool." "I think we should ride wally's unforgettable ride, that roller coaster."Corsolana says Everyone agree's and nods their heads "It's settled them we are going on the wally ride!"Madricia says they all get on and are prepared to have so much fun on wally's unforgettable rollercoaster ride. "Ok Keep all your'e legs and arms in the cart at al times this ride is new and as you can see has people who donated art so it could twist up the decor a little." "yay." The worker named eddy releases  the bar and off they go. They go down a hill and upside down and glitter sprinkles everywhere and next fairies are flying everywhere. And so that ends this chapter

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