Chapter Two: Welcome To Witch's and Warlock's Academy

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(*Flash Back*) Mavia is strolling down the boardwalk by the school, and she is admiring the sunset from afar and gazing off into the distance and she is taking a short brief break from classes. Ezramente is sitting on the board walk he happens to glance at Mavia and is super interested in what she is doing,  and decides to get a little closer to help break the distance that there seems to be between them. Next he speaks, "Hello my friend Errelia has talked a lot about you, you look awfully familiar to me." "Oh hi..." "I don't think I know you but she mentioned she had a friend named Ezramente and she has said a lot of good things about you." "Well I'm glad they are good things and at least not bad things." "Yeah ha ha me too, so what are you studying?" "Mostly Warlock history and ways to improve my magic, and things like that,"  "WOW!"Mavia says doing a cute dance with her hands up in the air, "Yeah it must be that exciting then huh?" Ezramente says while smirking and putting his hands on his hips. "Well  yeah hey I... "yeah?" "I think you're really nice and cute." "Well I think we should take things slow and start out as friends,
"I work at a restaurant called Armadon's Wheeler, "I think I've seen you there before." "Yeah I work as a waitress there, and yeah I have seen you there because you are a chef there right?" Ezramente's jaw drops "Oh my gosh, that's how we know each other, seriously Mavia we need to talk more frequently I mean this is the some of the best news." Mavia smiles and nods her head in agreement. "I was almost thinking a similar thing, and yeah just so you know Ezramente, I'm not trying to interfere at all in you're personal life I just..." "I had a feeling you might say something like that Mavia I mean I don't blame you most girls think I'm cute," "I mean we can still be friends and think that about each other,. I mean..." Ezramente stops and starts blushing. He starts to stumble over his words just a little bit. "Mmmm aaaa vvvv iii aaaa?" "Yeah?" "I thhhink you're prettttty cuttte tooo." Mavia starts blushing and puts her head  down into her hands while using her hands to cradle her head , and says "Really I had no idea that you thought that about me until you actually told me." She starts bursting into laughter, and next Ezramente follows.  (Fast forward to the present "MADRICIA!" "MADRICIA." Mavia says gently using a calming spell to wake up her daughter slowly with her wand. "Hello Mom?" "Yes it's me!" Madrica's Mom had conquered up a spell so she could see her mom with a viole glass vial Obeenus Oreeoli!" "Now I can see you Madricia!" "The problem is I can't see you." "That is a problem just repeat what I said and then you can see me!" "Ok Mom!" "Obeenus Oreeoli!" Madricia uses her wand to create a spell that makes it so that her mom can see her from their home. "Yay now I can see you Mom!" "That's so cool Madricia I'm so proud of you!" "Thanks Mom!" "So mom how did you learn this spell originally?" "Well Madric, me and you're father worked on it together and we came up with it." "What but how?" Madricia says and her facial expression turning into the fact that she's really mind blown. "It took a lot of practice I can show you if you want." "Yes please do." Mavia starts making her hands go in circular winding motions with her wand and picks up a blue glass vial. She motion's with her hand using her hand to the blue vial and starts putting her hands in that motion and stagger's swirling them around while using the wand and taps the wand on the blue glass vial.  Next she says it "Obeenus Oreeoli." and she sees her daughter clearer than before. "Yes it takes time and patience like a lot of things in general, I think the more you use the technique  the more effective and consistent you will be with it." "Makes sense practice makes perfect." "Yep." Mavia say's winking at her daughter from a distance. Madricia pulls out her wand and starts practicing the method, I am proud of myself as well!" "I'm proud of you too mom." "Thanks sweetheart." Her mom says doing a curtsy with her wand angling her wand toward the ground as she moves her body.  Mavia tells her daughter implying with her voice "How's school?" they are moving on to the next subject. "It's nice I haven't had much of a tour but I imagine it's really cool." "Yeah it is and you should ask the lady up at the front desk for a tour I think that would be helpful, and I imagine it looks like it used to in some ways like it did when I went there." Madricia starts to wonder what it looks like, Mavia starts to do a spell and it's brown and black all around and there are lights illuminating the atmosphere. "Brawnish Coleeda." "Mom I'm going to go and and ask the lady at the front desk about a college tour before I start," "alright sweet heart sounds good." Madricia pulls out her wand and next says the spell "Obeenus Oreeoli." Madricia starts walking towards the office front desk where Halgrava Stewers is typing away at her computer and pauses and she faces her direction, and she ask's Madricia what she needs help with "What can I do for you today?"
"Yes I just need a tour of the school, that's why I came over here to seek some help." "Ok you have come to the right place I can give you a tour and then we can figure out your rooming situation."  Halgrava starts waving her wand with two double wands creating in tune motions to the point where the school is so many different colors Brown and goldish and yellowish the wands are all these colors, and there are so many door's that are blue, and teal, Madricia can't help but wonder what door leads to what classroom and different topic areas for spell works and other thing's you can learn at this college. "Hey Halgrava?" "Yes Miss?" "I was just really starting to take the time to see that you hadn't used a spell with you're wands when you did that spell," "Isn't that more of a dilemma when you are a witch and also creating ways to show people tours and such?" "Well that's a good question this is a very rare technique and can take years and year's to master this spell does not require me and other witch's or warlocks to have a saying with the spell," It just depends on how fast you learn the spell, and the way you learn with you're mind you can learn, although now that I think of it me being a teacher also at this university some very young students can learn just again like I said it can be rare." "Oh ok could I try?" "If you take my class." She says winking "Ok now I can show you around the doors will be opening any second now and we can start walking around." "Miss Halgrave?" "Yes Madricia?" "Could you give me a tour in a couple days after class has started with some of the other rooms?" "Yes, that will be once thing have settled down in a couple weeks." She says giggling and her laughing with her whole face shown with delight. "Ok sounds good." *Class is about to begin*

The door's start to open and a rush of wind fills the area, "Hello students, my name is Halgrava Stewers, and I teach rare wand methods that are not as easy to master would one of you like to help me out with the class?" Lainyner raises his hand and says "Mrs, Stewers?" "Yes?"

"I would personally love to help you, I have wanting to work on spells and techniques, and wanting to improve and study more and one of my good friend's Madric I'm actually saying this on her behalf I think she should go if she wishes, she truly inspires me." Madricia isn't sure what to think, and then shrugs and next stops dead in her tracks after looking back more towards Laiyner as she takes a couple more steps, she turns beet red from blushing and looking down and smiling. Madricia raises her hand and then says "He's right, I personally would love to volunteer and help out the class." Madricia says referring to the subject they are on letting the class know she's being very observing.   "Ok come up Madricia, and show us what you can do." Mrs. Stewer's  motion's with her hands telling Madricia to come up to have her show the class and her what she is going to do.  Madricia starts walking up and has her wand with her, and she pulls it out of the wand case she has with her.  "Ok I started practicing and working on this spell Mrs. Stewer's has been talking about when I first met her about a couple day's ago." "I may be a little rusty, because I have just started working on it but let me show you what she is talking about." Madricia says and starts and doing wand motions and throwing the wand's around and juggling, and incorporating fire spinning and air balls with extra wand spin for extra added motion to what is going on and she ends  and starts bowing for applause (Applause follows.) "Thank you so much for helping me Madric." "No problem Mrs. Stewer's." "Yeah next let's have Corsolana come up." Courtney raises her hand, and Mrs. Stewer's says "Yes miss Courtney?" "I wanted to volunteer as well, if that's ok." "Of course it is, and we can have Madricia sit down if that's ok with her." "Of course it is." Madricia starts taking slower steps after getting up and balancing herself she slowly makes her way back towards her seat. Courtney slowly gets up and starts juggling her wands and fire flows with the wands and air balls and it intermixes "This is another technique  that's similar." She ends and applause follows. XoXo Thanks for reading love Marissa Olsen

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