Chapter 20: The Banquet

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"Ya'll We are back at the school and we are going to WaWa back to school so ye lads can get to the big banquet on time." Pirate Bradys. He veers the ship back to the shore and anchors it so they all can back to college for the huge dinner. They all get off the ship and grab their wands so they don't forget them and bid Bradyand the other friends adieu.  They get to the big room where there is all sorts of different types of food. Such as: Duck, chicken, Salad with Beets and olives and Mozerella Cheese. The chef's used magic to make the salads, and The duck and The chicken. Chef Mirzia explains to the students how she and the other chefs made the food. "So first off I started using knives and my cooking wand," Chef Mirzia says motioning with her hand and wand. "And next me and the other chef's chopped up the olives and beets and chicken and ducks using knives that we used magic with that went in the air and they can also explain more too." I'm also one of the chefs "My name is Chef Tanzania." and I helped sprinkle the cheese with my magic and the sprinkling machine I used." She says motioning in the air with her bronze wand and her hands.  Everyone gasps and is in awe at what chef Tanzania is doing and the other chef her boyfriend Chef Niro helped make the sugar free and low carb cookies. "I can show you all  how I did that, He gets out cookie dough and starts using magic to roll out the dough with a rolling pin, The rolling pin rolls out the dough and the cookies start being shaped into stars and circles and squares. "That's how I do it," he says in a French accent, and the cookie start being set out on the table for people to eat. "Oh my gosh!" Corsolana says and gasps these cookies look amazing!" She grabs one and takes a tiny piece and savors every bite of the cookie. Madricia is excited and wants to try one too. "Oo my gosh these are so freaking good I need to get the recipe!" She's gets the recipe from Chef Niro and it magically appears  on her phone.

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