Chapter 15: Back On the boat to outdoorsy island

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"Ar matie's we are on our way." "To where captain?" Corsolana ask's with interest in her voice. "To outdoorsy island lass."  They see another red ship with a dark crimson color and pirate rory and his mighty fine crew,   They are all back on the boat and they want to start a whirlpool duel.  Brady get's out hi cream colored wand and does a spell He point's the wand at the opposite boat.  "Soroo whirlploo." One whirlpool comes crashing against the other one. Rory get's black colored wand out and point's his wand at Brady's boat. Rory says the same spell "Soroo whirlploo". The whirlpool's collide and are so big the ships rock. Whichever teams win's will get to go to outdoorsy island. They say the same spell once more and more and more until Roy' boat is caught in a whirlpool and Brady and his fine pirate mates win the match. He says the spell again "Soroo whirlploo." and Rory and his friends are released from the whirpool, "Yay we won, other people did good too!" Everyone high fives each other, and  Rory and them tell each other good job across the boat pathway's where they are. "Good job." Rory says putting his hook up in the air to do a wiz pirate high five. Brady get's his signal and next put's up his hook fire surround's it and he says good job back. "Good job." Rory and his whole crew do the fire air high five magic technique. '"Great job they all say to everyone else on the boat. Brady and his mighty fine crew are on their way and they hav won duel, The take Sladdy along to find the witch Bertha who is on outdoorsy island. They arrive at outdoorsy island dock the ship and decide to camp out and have camp fire song's and dancing and celebrating, They start the fire with sticks Brady helps with starting then camp fire. He goes in the woods comes right back after finding two sticks and start's the fire right away. "La dee day da." Sladdy sing's pulling out his mandolin and use's his tail to slide then affect the mandolin. 'Go Sladdy." Madric a calls and they are all dancing and clapping. "Thank you miss." Sladdy says claps and everyone congratulates sladdy.  They get out hot dogs and start to roast them, and they all are in a circle and ask get to know you questions. "Hey Brady what is you're favorite color?" Corsolana asks him. "Ar miss mine is red," wbu?" "Mine is purple." Corsolana says laughing.  "Now it's my turn to ask." Gheur says "Madricia what's you're favorite color?" "Mine is green wbu?" "Mine is blue."  Madricia asks next and she wants to ask Candy what her favorite color is. "what is you're favorite color candy?" "Mine is yellow and that's cool to hear yours is green, Madricia." "yeah thanks it's a good color." "Yeah I agree." After everyone has gone around in a circle, and asked each other's favorite colors and such, they decide to go to bed for the night. (The next morning.) Everyone wakes up and see's lit up fairy tale houses and cabins all in a row and fairies are flying from house to house and cabin to cabin. A fairy flies straight up to them and approaches them. "Hi my name is Nadella," she says waving and doing a fly wave circle. "Hi." everyone echo's back "yeah nice to you." And she does the splits and some back flips. There are other fairies. One named Lila uses her baton wand with sprinkle glitter magic and twirls around with her powers. They see a giant log troll sitting on his log picking up fig's near a fig tree "Hi my name is  Knoll and I'm a log troll."  "Ar nice to meet you my Jamie is Heinesta and this is my good friend Kalani," "I have thunder and lightning powers." "Cool what about you Heinesta?" "Mine are with a wand's and fire/water levitation powers." "Cool mine are camouflage." He says going into the log camouflaging. "Can you give us a tour?" Sladdy asks with some good curiosity in his voice and on his face. "We'll of course, that shouldn't be a problem." Nacelle says grinning widely. They all start towards the cabin's and houses and follow the trail towards the more outdoorsy part of outdoorsy island, and keep going. "So here we have all of the fairy and troll and nymph houses, here on you're left hand side." Nadella says after everyone has gotten on the outdoorsy island bus.  She has a huge megaphone that has gotten everyone's attention. Everyone looks towards the left and see's a bunch of lights strung across the houses and cabin's. "Wow this is super fancy," and just amazing!" Gheur says smiling. They find some sand and it's a red color and all of a sudden a big sandstorm starts and the sand is red. Gheur gets out his coats for everyone and they put them on for protection against the storm. Corsolana thanks Gheur for bringing his coats. "Thanks Gheur for bringing you're coat's for us, I'm glad we could bring our own as well."  "Of course anytime." They  see some hummingbird's pollinating some flowers.  Everyone else get's their coat's out and so they have double layer's.  After a couple hour's the storm finally subside's. They are looking for a golden arrow that is made of sand as well. The color's are red and gold of the arrow. They head towards the very back of the island where there is a big room full of objects and one of the objects is the golden arrow. Pirate Brady goes to pick it up, and they grab it and start to head back towards the boat and bid their new friends good bye. "Bye Nadella!" Corsolana says and they get on the boat and are headed towards the next island,. And they have the arrow and lurking beneath the waves is someone else who wants the arrow

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