Chapter 18: Cloudy Island

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They go up to the sky and head toward cloudy island with a spell they use, Brady says it "Irvine  segora." They are now in the sky, and their,is a golden gate that opens as they come into cloudy island. They see a big palace surrounded by clouds and the cloud king and queen "welcome to cloud palace!" Queen Nefria says and welcomes them in with her hands she is holding her scepter which represents power. "Thank you Queen Nefria!" Madricia says and they are looking for the crown with clouds on it.  They bow to the king and queen, and king Nifitus they say the whereabouts of the crown. "The crown is on glacier island deep on it." '"Underwater in an underwater cavern." Kalani and heinesta are taking notes on a note pad, as the king and queen are talking. "I have a question," madricia says stepping forward more towards the king and queen. "yes?" Queen Nefria says "Do we need to use a spell to get close?" "Yes ma'am, you do." Queen Nefria says.
Queen Nefria gets out her scepter that is gold with rubies in it. "Regazza implicity." There is a scene where the crown is guarded in the underwater cavern it's a large lake called lake seguerine. "Oh my gosh!" Brady says "That must be where the crown is." "you are correct." King nifitus says nodding his head. After they have said goodbye to the king and queen they go back to their ship after doing the spell. "We'll that went well." Corsolana says giving madricia a high five. "I agree."  They head toward Lake segeurine  with the underwater cavern. They set sail for the lake, and on the way come to a wall that is a blockade. They use a spell to get over the wall. Jacob gets his,wand out and says the spell "Itzi peru." They are all placed in soap bubbles and float over the wall with the ship. They head toward the lake and arrive and put on diver's gear and head towards the very bottom of the cave where the crown is guarded by merman. They swim deeper into the cavern and find booby traps and have to swim past them to get to the cloud crown "Oh no!" Madricia says "There are Booby traps!" Luke puts his hand on Madricia's shoulder and reassures her that they will get through them. "We will get past the Boobies Madricia." "Ok sound's good!" They see a bunch of mouse traps and nets that could trap them. They swim past them dodging them. They are getting closer to the crown when there is The king of mermen His name is Merkania. "Hi I am the king of the mermen," "Why are you coming to try and get my crown?" "We need it for an important reason." Heinesta says "and what is that?" king Merkania says raising an eyebrow. We need it for the yellow tulip." Madricia  says "Ok but you need get past me," Madricia says a spell so they can get past him. "Zootah Ceivera." Fire swirls come out of Madricia's wand and goes past Merkania. "Alright you pass with flying colors." "You can have the crown." They all get in a big circle and hug each other.  Kelani wants to show off her sun lit powers she is connected to the sun. A golden beam of light erupts from her hands as she grabs the crown and they are on their way

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