"We aren't carbon copies of dad."

"No, we're a mix of them both." Sterling confirms. He would know, he's done research on the matter.

"That just means you look like two good looking people." I correct them. "No genes in our family are bad genes."

"Very true, but as of right now Scarlett's offspring will be superior." Sterling says, not bothering to look away from the screen.

"How so?" I snort.

"Because she's Scarlett." He sighs like that's reason enough and part of me wants to agree.

"She is the best, but I think my kids have a shot to at least tie with hers." I counter.

"It's not just her. Ashton's genetics are rather impressive. He's 6'4 and she's 5'7 so they're kids will be tall. Both were athletic and healthy which is promising. Their complexion will be beautiful and based off bone structure, the kids really can't lose. Add on the fact they both have decent IQ's, Scar's definitely better than Ashton's."

"So you're saying their kids are gonna be pretty, tall, athletic and smart?" I clarify.

"Yes, especially since I've estimated they'll have kids between the ages of 24-28." He concludes. "I have a report I can show you, and I even compared you and El–"

He tries to stop himself but it's too late. The reports are on his computer screen. Ignoring the small part of my brain that tries to shout at me to look away, I read the screen.

"Sage, I'm sorry." He offers while Silver glares at him.

"I suppose it's a good thing we won't be having children." I muse, trying to block out the future we had planned.

"Why is that?"

"Because a 6 ft girl would be terrorized if her name was Grant." I explain. Ella only ever planned for boys and if my brothers calculations are even somewhat accurate, she would've been thoroughly disappointed.

He goes to click off the tab, but I stop him. "What's the probability of my child being dyslexic?"

Pushing his glasses up, he scrolls down. "With El–her, it was calculated at 45%. However, it depends on if your spouse carries the gene. If she does the percentage increases."

"Good to know." I offer. "So whose kids are gonna be the runts of the family?"

"Siver's." He teases. "Actually, I'd have to wait and see how Saffron develops and who she ends up with but technically..."

"She's our runt so it would make sense." Silver concludes.

"Yes." Sterling agrees.

"Poor Squirt." I laugh before thinking of something else. "What about Uncle John's kids?"

"I don't know." Sterling says far too quickly, and I give him a look. "Fine but don't snitch."

"Cross my heart."

"The likelihood of them even producing at this stage is rare." He says. "With their age and Uncle John's past with alcohol abuse, it's probable but their window is closing."

"That explains it." I slap the table.

"Explains what?" Silver asks, plopping a chip in his mouth.

"They were talking last week about not wanting to say anything until they were positive." I explain, recalling the conversation.

"You think Mel is pregnant?" They ask together and I hit them.

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