Chapter 20

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Teeth by 5sos


Daisy and I headed inside being careful of staying away from the cameras. All the lights were already off. We took lefts and rights to get to Chris' and Violet's room. We finally made our way to Chris' and Violet's room. I slowly twist the knob and we walk in. The lights were all off. My mum said that part of our hybrid advantages is that we can see in the dark so I had no problem getting around. I did have to help Daisy since she wasn't a hybrid.

I see Chris sleeping on his bed and I go over to him. "Chris wake up" I whisper as I shake him. I keep saying that and shaking him until he finally opened his eyes. He let out a quiet scream and sat straight up. "It's me Megan and Daisy." "Why are you here" he says rubbing his eyes trying to see more clearly in the dark. "It's time." "Already?!" "Yes! What have you gathered?" "They took in four people last week. I gathered at least twenty-five more people to go against Stellar." "Who are they?" Daisy asks. He lists the names and I only know a few. "Ok I know who they are" Daisy says. "Be ready by five" I say. "Be careful you two. Love you guys" We nod and I guide Daisy out.

As we are heading towards the exit we hear someone come. "Who's there?" We quickly hide in a corner. It was a guard and he pulled out a flashlight. He starts to come closer to us and we are stuck in a corner. He turns and sees us. We start running towards the door but he cathes us and grips our arms. "Let us go!" I yell. "You guys are coming with me" the guard says sternly and starts guiding us. I close my eyes and focus, focus on the anger just like how mum taught us. I open my eyes and they're glowing red. I feel my fangs and claws come out. I growl and I turn to the guard. I stab him on the side and he let's go of us to grip his side. "What are you?" he cried out. "None of your god damn business" I say striking him again. He falls to the floor. "We need to leave now" Daisy says. "We can't leave him here or else they'll know we're here." "You can run fast right?" I nod. "And you're stronger?" I nod again. Take him to the campsite and I'll make my way over there." "Are you sure?" "Yes, now go!" I hug her and I turn into my full hybrid form. I grab him by his middle part of his body and run out. I run as fast as I can keeping clear of the cameras.

I quickly make it back to the campsite and I change back. "I had to. Daisy! Daisy is still there! I have to go back!" "No you can't! I will" Nat says. "You don't know where she is, I do!" "I can't let you go!" "I'm sorry" I say quickly turning and running back. I turn left and right and I don't see her. I hear a branch snap and I quickly turn growling. "Megan!" It's Daisy! She's fine! I run to her and she climbs on. I run as fast as I can so we don't get caught.

We make it back and I change back. Alex runs to hug Daisy and mum, Nat, and Eth run to hug me. "Chris said that they took in four people last week and he gathered twenty-five more people against Stellar, in all which Alex and Daisy know." I hear Daisy list out the names and Alex nods.

"What happened in there?" mum asks. "We were headed out and he came. He grabbed us and so I struck him and killed him. I had to bring him back or else they would know we are here." "You made the right decision" mum says. "Thanks mum." "Now go rest and prepare for tomorrow" mum says. I hug her and go to where Daisy and Isaiah are.

"Are you ok?" Isaiah asks. "Yeah, just a little shocked, I mean I just killed someone" I say with a sigh at the end. "Hey you had to do it or else you would've been trapped there" he reasoned. "Yeah I guess you're right" I say while cleaning one of my knives.

"I'm hungry" I say. "I'll go ask Cameron if we can go hunt" Isaiah says. I nod and he goes to ask her. "Come on let's go" Cameron says coming back with Isaiah. "I'm gonna go with Alex" Daisy says and I nod. We change forms and go hunt. We run in the direction we smelt an animal. We slowed down and spread out. I creep around a bush and I see several deers. I growl softly and wait for the perfect time. The one I'm focused on starts to eat and I charge at it and grab it by the neck. I see that Cameron and Isaiah also got one. "Do we bring them back?" Isaiah asks. "No we can eat them here" Cameron says. I put it down and eat it.

I got used to hunting because before I was afraid to harm an animal but it's what we eat. I'm careful to avoid the bones so I don't choke. I would have never imagined myself in this position because first, I never knew hybrids exist. Second, it's too bloody to be around. I was never a girl who used to get my hands physically dirty. Out of my family I was the girly girl. Once I finish eating I try wiping my mouth with my paw and then I lick my paws. "Ok let's go" Cameron says.

We head back to our campsite and we don't see anyone. "Where is everyone?" I ask. I see Cameron sniffing around and her ears shoot right up. "What?" Isaiah asks. "Run!" Without knowing what is happening we do as we are told. We run, we run as fast as we can with Cameron leading us. I hear twigs snapped and my ears shoot up. I quickly turn my head and see one of those beasts. It's not Blake though, it's one of his friends. "Cameron it's a beast! We have to kill it or else they'll know we're here!" "How are we gonna kill it?" Isaiah asks. "Spread out and who ever it follows you'll have to turn back and follow it and attack from behind. Now spread out!" Cameron says with a snarl at the end. We do as we are told and I see that the beast follows Isaiah. I turn to were they are running and meet up with Cameron. She gives me a look and I nod. We charge towards it and jump on it's back. It growls and falls down. Isaiah turns back and helps us. He bites it's neck while Cameron and I are at the sides.

We continue scratching and biting it until he finally stopped moving and died. "We have to find the others and make sure they're safe" I say. "Let's go find them" a random voice says. We turn back and I'm stunned by who I see.

"This can't be happening."

Picture of little Meg! Little Meg is all grown and it's adorable. She's made her first human and beast kill! Who do you think is there? Y'all gotta wait! Song suggestions accepted! Comment and vote!

I went to an Aventura concert and it was amazing! Romeo was amazing! We also went to Hollywood and went to the Urban Lights and The Wing Wall! It was so cool.

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