Chapter 14

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Bilingue by Snow Tha Product


"So you're saying that you, my mum, is the leader of a hybrid pack?" Ethan asks surprised. "Yes hon." "So you're a hybrid and dad was human and we're the outcome of it?" I ask. My mum nods.

"Why did the bracelet burn my skin?" Megan asks pointing to the bracelet. "Well that bracelet was supposed to contain your powers. Since you guys didn't know how to control your powers or knew about your powers, I didn't want you taking that off."

"Why did you leave us at The Elevated?" I ask. "I left you there for a reason, one that I knew you guys could handle and you did. I knew once you found out what they wanted from us, that you would find any way possible to get out of there. You didn't prove me wrong. Your dad and I made sure to stay close to The Elevated for when you guys escaped." Well they planned this out well.

"Ok one more question. How long did it take to build this place?" Ethan asks. My mum chuckles, "fourty years." "Before you were born?!" Megan says. "Yes darling."

"How did you become leader?" I ask. "Heritage. Your grandpa was leader and grandma was co-leader." "Is co-leader the same thing?" I ask. "Well since I had no siblings there was a fight that was held. Xelena had won and she is also my friend so it all worked out. But if there weren't people up for the fight I would have had to choose. The next leader will be you Natasha, you're the oldest. And you Ethan will be co-leader. That is if you guys are up for it." "Of course" Ethan and I say.

"Oh one last thing, how did grandma and grandpa become hybrid?" "Well they were out in the woods and they came across hybrid territory. They were scared and so they started running away. They weren't fast enough and the hybrids got them. They bit them and the bite was deep enough that it went into their blood. If the bite wasn't deep enough, they would've died." "So if we bite someone deep enough they become hybrid?" Ethan asks and mum nods.

"So Xelena shared the information you guys shared with her and now we have to introduce you to everyone." "Uhhh" was all I could say. I don't like attention and my mum knows it. She assures me that it'll all be fine that we'll do it tomorrow at breakfast. Mum tells us that we'll be trained on how to use our powers starting tomorrow. We say goodnight and head back to the room.

Once we get to the room everyone is already asleep so I decided to take a shower. I take a quick shower and throw on some sweats and a hoodie. I say goodnight to Megan and Ethan and go to sleep.

Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god! I'm so nervous, why do we have to do this. I was going crazy. Today at breakfast mum is introducing us to everyone and I hate attention!

I pick out black joggers, a black sports bra, and black Nikes. I go to the bathroom, brush my teeth, put my outfit on, and quickly put my hair in two french braids. I get out and everyone is almost ready. I get a black zip up hoodie, put it on, and leave it open. "Meg, come here" I say. She comes and I put her hair in two braids.

"Ok, everyone ready?" Xavier asks. We nod and head out. "I don't want to do this" I say to Bryan. "You'll be fine." "Do you see how many people there are?" I say shocked how he said that I was going to be fine. "You're fine" he says putting an arm around my shoulder. "I hate you" I say hitting his stomach. "Hey!" he says hitting me back. I chuckle and roll my eyes.

We get to the mess hall and get our food. I don't see my mum here yet so I sit down and start eating. Emma had just came in too. "Damn my sis showing off them abs already" Ethan says wiggling his eyebrows. "Shut up dickhead" I said smacking his head. "I'm just playing... not" he says with a smirk. Dear lord, this boy won't shut his mouth. "Just you wait" I say smiling. He knows he's gonna get it because one I said that his smirk faded.

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