Chapter 11

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Scared of the Dark by Lil Wayne


It was already mid day. "We're almost there" I announced. It looked like we were about an hour away. "Thank god" Megan sighed. We all chuckle at her. I took off my hoodie which left me in my joggers and t-shirt.

We walked for a little more than an hour till we got to a cave. "It says this is it" I say checking the map again. "Alright then" Ethan says. We walk a little closer to the cave before I suddenly stop.

I see red glowing eyes. I then see three more. They start getting closer and we back up. "Who are you?" one of the growls. I get this feeling of them being beasts, just like Blake. "W-we were sent to come here b-by our dad" I say stuttering. 'Say your names, especially your last name' my father's words rung through my head. "Who's your father?" said the boy who growled. They walked out into the light. I stumbled back and put Megan behind me. The boy had locks like Ethan's, red glowing eyes, and he looked like he was sixteen or eighteen. "David, David Queen. I'm Natasha Queen, and my brothers, Ethan Queen and Megan Queen." "Who are they?" the boy says eyeing our group. "They're our friends, we had to escape The Elevated. My father said it was fine to bring them." The boy nods to the three other boys behind him and their eyes stop glowing. The boy's eyes turned hazel.

"Follow me" he said. I looked at Bryan and then Ethan. We followed behind him inside the cave. We went down a set of stairs and it also looked like Divergent. This must have taken forever to make. People were staring at us and I didn't like it. I don't like drawing attention. We walked up a set of stairs and stopped in front of a door. "Stay here for a second" the boy says. We sit on the couches that are there and he walks into the room. "This place has a lot of people" Daisy says. "It's weird" Megan says. "I know it is, just stay calm and hope they help us" Ethan says. I hope we find our mum. I wish I knew why exactly she was here.

The boy comes out and shuts the door behind him. "Let's get you guys settled in" he says clasping his hands together. We stand up and follow him. "I'm Xander by the way" the boy finally says. We cross a ramp to go to the other side and continue walking past all these doors. We each introduce ourselves and say our age. Turns out he's seventeen.

We finally stop at a door. "Looks like you guys are staying with me" Xander says. I look at him like he's crazy. "How many people fit in one room?" Alex asks. "Only ten, but it's pretty big. There's also an extra bed cause my brother is also in the same room." He opens the door and we walk in. It was pretty big. There was five bunkbeds all on one side. Then there two bathrooms, nightstands, and dressers.

"I call top!" both Megan and Daisy say. They get on top of a bunk an bounce on it. "Calm down" Alex says laughing. Alex settles down below Daisy, Hunter at the top of another, Bryan below, Ethan on the extra bed, and I settle down below Megan. The door opens and this boy walks in. He looks like Xander but shorter and with brown hair. "Hey Xavier" Xander says. He introduces us and turns out that Xander and Xavier are fraternal twins. "You guys can change and shower then I'll show you guys around. There are clothes in the dressers and more showers outside" Xander says. I go and open the dresser. I get out some dark grey joggers, a black t-shirt, and a black hoodie. Megan gets some grey leggings, a grey t-shirt, and a black hoodie. "You four can stay here and shower we'll go to the other ones" Ethan says to Alex, Daisy, Megan, and me. We nod and Xander asks Xavier to show them where they are.

I bring Megan to the bathroom and set her on the counter. I turn on the water and warm it up. I grab a towel and hang it next to the shower. I then put Megan down and tell her to shower. I honestly don't get this child. She can't set her own water or else she'll freeze or burn, but she can turn it off just fine.

I go to my new bed and open up my backpack, same as Alex. I get out the blankets and my dirty clothes. I bring them to the basket next to the dresser and drop them in it. I take out the leftover sandwiches and put them on the little pile Alex has on her bed. "That's a lot of sandwiches" Xander says watching us. I forgot he was in here. "Had to survive off something" I say shrugging. I find my wet undergarments I used at the river in a bag. "That's gonna smell" I mutter. "Well if you and Bry didn't go it wouldn't" Alex says with a smile on her face. "Oh shut up will you" I chuckle rolling my eyes. I throw them in the trash bin. I then lay down on the bed. "Lunch is at three, so in an hour" Xander says looking at the clock. I nod and close my eyes.

A couple minutes later I hear a door open and I look up to see Daisy coming out. Alex grabs her clothes and goes into the bathroom. Daisy comes and flops on my stomach. I grunt and she laughs. "You lil' brat" I say lightly hitting her head. "Lazy ass" she says back. "You're the only lazy ass here" I say laughing and hear Xander also laughing. I grab her and lay her down next to me.

I hear a door open and see Megan come out. "Finally" Daisy says sighing. "Oh shut it" Megan says climbing on my bed. "So I guess my bed is now communal" I say chuckling and looking at Xander and he laughs. I get up, get my clothes, and go into the bathroom. I warm up the water and strip down. I get in and quickly shower.

When I'm finished I dry off, find lotion and put it on, then change. I then find a brush and brush my hair. I get my clothes and go outside a put them in the basket. I go back in the bathroom to get the brush and bring it to my bed where Megan is laying down. I start brushing her hair and start braiding it.

"Tell me about yourself" I say to Xander. "Well what do you want to know?" "Like your likes, dislikes, how your what you are." "You mean a hybrid." "Yeah sure" I say waving my hand. "I like football, running outside, going for a swim, hunting, and beating the crap out of my brother. I don't like being used, I hate fish, and that's all I can think of right now. I became a hybrid by my parents. They're both here somewhere." "Nice. So I'm assuming rough past with a girlfriend?" "Something like that." "So what's the deal with hybrids?" "I'm assuming you've seen Twilight?" "Every girl has seen that." "Well think of Jacob. He was a werewolf, could transform from human to werewolf, he was big, and could do everything he did. Don't ask how I know." "Got it" I chuckle. "Hybrids are the same except a lot smaller, like a wolf. We  can still have powers even when we aren't in our wolf form, we're vampires. We've been getting hunted by The Elevated since twenty years ago, that's when they first learned about us. We don't know why they are hunting us but they are. Now we stay here and have people guarding the entrance of the cave. We get to go out and all but we have to be cautious." "Well the hybrid part sounds pretty cool, you should show me."  "Trust me, you'll see plenty." "That sucks about The Elevated though. The thing I don't get is if my mum is here, why did she send us to The Elevated?" "That I don't know, you'll have to figure out yourself." "When can we see our mum?" "I don't know, leader said when it's time." "Time for what?" He just shruggs.

Just then then Alex comes out of the bathroom and sits on her bed with Daisy. "When's lunch again?" Alex asks. "In twenty minutes" Xander says. She nods and the door opens. Ethan, Bryan, Hunter, and Xavier came in. "We still have time to show you guys around before lunch" Xander says. "Let's go then" Ethan said. We get up and follow Xander and Xavier out the doors. We walked to the other bathrooms, the mess hall, the training area, and passed by the leader's office, again. It was big for it to be underground. There was plenty of other training areas and many, many rooms.

It was finally time for lunch and so we went to get food. We got steak and mash potatoes. Now this was some good food. We sat down and people were staring. Quit looking people! Xander sits next to Xavier, Hunter, Ethan, and Megan. I sat next to Bryan, Daisy, and Alex.

I shyly tuck a piece of hair behind my ear and munch on my food. "You good?" Bryan whispers to me. I nod and smile at him. "It's just a new place and with lots of people" I say. I quickly finish my food and lean my head on Bryan's shoulder. "What are we going to do after this because I'm pretty tired" I say to Xander. "You guys can go to the room and rest, tomorrow we can get you guys started."

We all finish and then we go to the room while Xander and Xavier go somewhere else. "I'm exhausted" Hunter says yawning. We all agree with him. "Just let me die in my bed" I say flopping onto my bed and covering myself with a blanket. "Gladly" Ethan says. "Jerk" I say covering my face with the blanket. "Nap time" Megan says yawning. "Wake me up for dinner, peace" I say popping my hand out from under the blanket and put up the peace sign. Next thing I know the lights are off and I fall asleep.

So hybrids! Dude I honestly don't know why but I have a strong passion for wolves. They are so cute and adorable. Honestly I hate that they're endangered. Like maned wolves are nearly all gone. It's so so sad. Anyways song suggestions are accepted! Comment and vote!

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