Anger - Dean

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It was a warm night causing the windows of the Impala to be rolled down, allowing cool breezes to fluctuate throughout the car.

Liv sat in the passenger seat, her knees huddled calmly to her chest with her bare feet resting on the middle seat. The girl's black locks sprawled over the edge of the seat as she rested her head, her gentle blue eyes delicately shut with her lips slightly parted. She looked so peaceful, I could almost not notice the red puffiness that surrounded her eyes - almost.

"Is Liv sleeping?" Sam quizzed, glancing between his brother who sat tall in the driver's seat and the woman beside him.

"Yeah, she's out," Dean muttered, not breaking his steady gaze from the road," you should sleep too, Sammy. We won't be back home for at least 8 or 9 hours."

"That long?"

With a soft, forced chuckle Dean briefly looked to his brother," Yeah. We've definitely got some time."

After a soft exchange of,' Goodnights,' Sam had sprawled himself across the length of the back seats, setting off to rest while Dean turned his attention back to the road and the hum of the Impala.

The last hunt hunt hadn't gone off too well. Liv had missed her shot and the resulting chaos nearly got Sam killed. Had it been one of her normal fuck-ups like not doing the correct research, being too careless about her personas, or even leaving the motel door unlocked, Dean wouldn't have had such a problem.

But this was a fuck-up that could have killed his brother and frankly he was sick and tired of her shit. So, the fight that had occurred before they left the motel was just a ticking time bomb that had finally been set off.

Silently I zipped my black duffle bag, after having stuffed the last of my belongings into it, before slipping the strap over my shoulder. As I moved forward towards the motel door with my head hung lowly in shame, I could already tell what was going to happen based off the screaming match going on outside.

With one last glance over of the room I shut the door and trotted out the dingy motel, my jaw clenched tightly to keep my lips from trembling as tears threatened to fall.

Immediately as I approached the shiny, black Impala both boys had fallen silent but I dared not to look up at them, only acknowledging Sammy's soft,' Hi,' with a meager wave of my hand.

Swiftly I had moved to the passenger door, moving to open it before a familiar calloused hand slammed down on the door.

Still I denied to look up.

"What are you going to say for yourself, Liv?" Dean's tone bled with anger, an emotion that I wasn't particularly fond of.

"I'm sorry."

"Dean leave he-"

"You're sorry?" Dean scoffed incredulously, not paying mind to the tears that had began drizzling down my cheeks, "You almost fucking killed Sammy! I can deal with all the other stupid shit you pull but this- this is way over the fucking line!"

"I didn't mean to Dean," Despite the sobs that ached to escape from my throat, I kept my voice in check: making it exude confidence and sincerity," people mess up, it's a part of life."

Roughly his hand snatched onto my jaw, forcing my watery blue orbs to meet his own green irises which were filled with hatred. "It seems like messing up is the only damn thing you're good at Liv!" The eldest Winchester snarled, unknowingly tightening his grip on my jaw to a painful point.

Meekly I shoved against him but the man wouldn't budge, then I tried pulling his grip away from my face," Dean stop! You're hurting me!" I whined, tugging fervently at his hand," I'm sorry okay!"

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