Trembling Sadness- Dean

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It was raining heavily - that kind of rain where after two seconds you're soaked to the skin. I had been out getting general supplies for me and the boys. Beer, pie along with everything else we would need. 'If he's ditched me for Dr. Sexy again I swear to God I will-'

All of a sudden I heard my name being spoken, snapping me out of my daze. Dean was holding my wrist and was running to Baby. I sit in the front due to Sam doing his research back in the bunker. I both loved and hated sitting in the front; I got to be nearer Dean but he could also see my blush much clearer, resulting in a lot more smirks and cocky comments on journeys. Not that I'm complaining - I loved that side of him, it showed he was comfortable. I had loved Dean since he saved me from a Vamp a few months back. Since then I had been traveling with the boys, doing research mostly. Today was one of my rare days off with Sam doing most of the work due to his injury on our most recent hunt.

I look out the window at the landscape rolling by feeling content and relaxed due to the atmosphere. There was a comfortable silence with whispers of AC/DC filling the car, I treasured moments like these when our lives seemed normal. They were sparse these days.

I could feel his eyes on me.

"Liv? Are you okay? You're kinda quiet..."

"I'm fine just thinking." There are a couple of seconds of silence.

"About what?"

"Just life, how with our line of work you treasure the normal moments that everyone else has every day even more. You know?"

"Yeah, and the people that you share those moments with," he said, a small smile in his lips. I turn to face him even more.

"Exactly! I wouldn't change my life right now for anything."

"Really? 'cos from where I'm sitting life would be better if we just had it the way everyone else did."

I just turned around and looked out the window of the car, it's obvious that Dean didn't like me back if he wanted none of this to happen. I might as well not be there, it's not like they needed me. They coped with it all before I even showed up. I felt my eyes well up but I wouldn't let the tears fall, I wouldn't let yourself show any emotion - emotion is a weakness.

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