Kidnapped - Dean

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"Come on babe, we are both going to be late for work!" Ryan shouts from the living room.

"I'm coming," I say as I get out of my room

"Ready?" he asks

"Yeah, let's go"

"Finally," he says and we get out of our apartment. Ryan and I work at the same place so we leave together every day. And that's kinda how our relationship started. We were doing carpools at first and that's when the romance started and we ended up together.

"See you after work," he says and pecks my lips

"See you," I say and we kiss again. And with that, we get out of the car and head inside the office.

After my shift, I texted Ryan that I was done but he texted me back saying that he has some more stuff to do until he can leave. So, I went to his office to take his keys.

"Are you sure you're ok with me taking your car?" I ask

"Yes, I don't want you to get a cab so late. I will be back as soon as possible" he says and pecks my lips

"Ok, see you later," I say and I get out of his office.

I walk to the parking lot and I unlock the car.

"Hi, can I ask something?" a guy says and I look at him. He was taller than me and for sure more muscled than me. But that's not what made my eyes get glued on him. Those green eyes of his that were on me, were sending chill all over my body. The freckles on his face were complementing perfectly his skin tone. Wow, Ted Bundy my ass. But he is probably here to rape me so I better go.

"Sorry, I gotta go," I say and I open the door of my car.

"Just one quick question, please," he pleads


"Great, are you Olivia?" he asks and I try to get inside my car but he closes the door.

"Look, you're in danger and I need you to come with me," he says

"I'm not going anywhere with you," I say

"Yes, you are," he says and he shows me his gun.

"I don't want to hurt you and I won't if you do what I tell you to do. Understood?" he says calmly and I nod.

"Good, put those on," he says and hands me handcuffs. I put them on.

"Turn around," he says and I do.

"Don't even think to yell," he says and I can feel his gun on my back. He finds my phone in my back pocket and throws it away. He turns me around again

"I'm sorry for this but I have to," he says and punches me. I fell on the ground unconscious.

As I was coming back I realized that I was laying on a bed. I tried to rub my eyes but my left hand was cuffed on the headboard. I sit up and I touch my cheek that was hurting like hell. It's probably bruised and swollen.

The door of the room opens and another guy walks inside.

"Please, just let me leave and I won't say anything to anyone," I say as a tear rolls down my cheek.

"Calm down I'm not here to hurt you. I just brought you something to eat" he says and places a tray with food on the nightstand.

"I'm Sam," he says and offers me his hand but I look away from him.

"I know you're scared but we are trying everything we can so we can keep you safe because something really bad is after you," he says

"Why?" I ask

Supernatural ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora