Comfort - Dean

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"Before I go can you guys promise me something? Can you guys, get over it? Just cos you couldn't see me doesn't mean I couldn't see you. The drama, the fighting? It's stupid. My mom's taking home a ghost. You three, you're still here," Kevin said, looking between me and the Winchesters.

"Of Course, we promise" Sam stated.

I and Dean agreed.

"Good," Kevin said.

Kevin gave me a small smile as he began to leave up the stairs. When he goes to the top he gave us once the last glace, to which I and Dean replied with a wave.

"Well that was uh," Dean began, turning to talk to Sam. When he saw Sam walking out of the room he simply stopped and hung his head.

"Yeah, okay."

He exited the room leaving me on my own. I simply stood there, wondering why only seconds after making his promise to Kevin, Sam would simply walk out of the room to ignore both me and Dean. I understood that he would still be upset but this was ridiculous. All this hatred and coldness he was throwing towards me and Dean broke my heart. I walked to his closed door and knocked softly before I entered.

"Sam..." I said softly.

"Go away,"

"Sam please..."

"I said go away!!!"

I reluctantly closed the door and stood in the hallway. After wiping away a few tears I walked into Dean's room. I found him sitting in bed, arms crossed, and staring at the wall. He was listening to "Lonely is the Night" and had it so loud I could hear every word. When he noticed me walking over to him he slipped the headphones off and put them on the nightstand. I climbed into our bed and laid my head on his chest as he wrapped his arms around me. We both laid there in silence, the only sounds coming from Dean's headphones.

"You won't leave me right?" Dean whispered after we had both been laying there for what seemed like hours. I looked up at him and saw nothing but sadness on his face. I gave him a slight smile and leaned up to kiss him.


"Good....because I don't think I could handle that. You're the last person I could handle shutting me out." I moved up and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I love you, Dean," you said as you kissed his cheek. I felt his arms tighten around me in response.

"I love you too," he said softly. "And I always will." 

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